3 Lentil Recipes For The Whole Family

Read this article to discover the best lentil recipes with step-by-step instructions that you can enjoy with the whole family. You will love them!
3 recipes with lentils for the whole family

Do you eat legumes at home? Lentils are among the most nutritious legumes. They are very versatile and can be included in all dishes. But in many homes, people barely eat them. Therefore, we share 3 recipes with lentils that the whole family will love!

Remember that nutritional recommendations indicate the importance of eating legumes at least twice a week. This is due to their high quality protein content. In the specific case of lentils, it provides:

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3 recipes with lentils for the whole family

Spoon with dried green lentils
Lentils are notable for their slow-digesting carbohydrates and their high-quality protein content.

Get ready to cook all kinds of lentil dishes! They are very versatile, and their nutritional value makes them worth incorporating into your family’s diet. They are also very cheap!

You can combine lentils with meat and vegetables, you can use it to prepare a tasty stew or you can opt for a healthy salad. The options are limitless and depend only on your imagination. Here are some ideas!

1. Lentil soup and coconut milk

Recipes with lentils and coconut milk
Unlike traditional soups, this recipe has the exotic aroma of coconut and the creaminess of yogurt.


Method of preparation

2. Recipes with lentils: stuffed eggplant

Stuffed eggplant
The combination of these two ingredients is a delicious vegetarian meal.


Method of preparation

3. Recipes with lentils: salad

Plate with cooked food
In warmer seasons, a delicious lentil salad will provide you with quality nutrients in an invigorating dish.


Method of preparation

Note: You can also add tuna, crab sticks, carrots, broccoli, olives and anything else you like!

Want to add legumes to your weekly meals? As you can see, recipes with lentils can be extremely varied, so you will never get bored of them. Alternate recipes and enjoy the benefits of legumes!

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