4 Infusions For Accelerated Metabolism

If you are one of the lucky ones who have a fast metabolism, it means that you can burn fat almost without any effort. But if you are in the other category, you can speed up your metabolism by using a few infusions and adopting a balanced diet.
4 infusions for accelerated metabolism

As you know, each of us has a separate metabolism. Heredity plays a special role in this problem, but you can contribute with the following infusions for an accelerated metabolism.

Infusions for accelerated metabolism

The key to well-being both externally and internally is the balance between muscle mass and body fat. Some people can burn fat almost effortlessly and have a metabolism that allows them to maintain the same weight and waist for life. Sometimes, due to heredity, we fail to lose weight, no matter what drastic diets we adopt or how much we starve, thus endangering our health.

What can we do? Ideally, we should have a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals to have an optimal metabolism. We should also consume protein to keep our muscles strong, because during weight loss diets we lose muscle mass.

These infusions, along with a balanced diet, will help you speed up your metabolism and lose weight.

1. Apple peel and cinnamon

Apple peel is well known for its ability to help us lose weight. Why? It has two important components: ursolic acid and active collagen. The first prevents cartilage wear, keeps cholesterol under control and maintains bone health. Active collagen has the role of caring for the skin and hair. It is a real miracle for all those who manage to burn fat and strengthen their muscle mass, both at the same time.

How to prepare the infusion of apple peel and cinnamon? It is very simple. Use the peels of three apples, add a liter of water and boil everything. When the water boils, add a tablespoon of cinnamon. You can enjoy this delicious infusion throughout the day.

2. Green tea and cinnamon

It’s no secret that green tea is a good stimulant of metabolism. Not only is it rich in antioxidants, useful for the heart and digestion, but it also helps you lose extra pounds.

By combining green tea with cinnamon, you get a wonderful drink for your daily diet. All you have to do is make green tea normally and add a little cinnamon. You will see results faster by consuming tea twice a day, in the morning and in the afternoon.

3. Infusions of pineapple and ginger for an accelerated metabolism

A delicious, healthy infusion with healing and weight loss properties. How could anyone resist them? Impossible… Must be eaten twice a day for breakfast and dinner.

As you know, pineapple is a fruit with detoxifying and cleansing properties. If combined with ginger, it becomes a remedy to speed up metabolism. Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties, helps the digestive system, cleanses, heals and accelerates metabolism, especially when combined with pineapple.

How to prepare the infusion of pineapple and ginger? Boil a cup of water, add a tablespoon of ginger, let it infuse and strain. Take two slices of pineapple, mix them with a food processor or blender, and add the resulting juice to the ginger infusion. Have you ever tried? Stop thinking!

4. Hot peppers, green tea and honey – infusions for an accelerated metabolism

Hot peppers, green tea and honey are thermogenic elements that accelerate metabolism. Don’t be afraid to try this mixture, it is a very well known and very effective recipe for the body. If you consume it at lunch, this infusion reduces your appetite and you will not want to “nibble” something in the afternoon.

It is very easy to prepare. Prepare a regular green tea, add a hot pepper powder (be careful with the amount) and a tablespoon of honey. This drink helps you have a fast metabolism and lose weight. Don’t hesitate, try it today!

Other tips to have a fast metabolism

Tips for preparing infusions for an accelerated metabolism

1. Eat nutritious foods at breakfast for an accelerated metabolism

If you provide your body with the energy it needs in the early hours of the morning, it will start working immediately. It will absorb all the nutrients and burn the fat. How about a slice of oats? Or wholemeal toast with spinach and feta cheese? These foods are ideal for a fast metabolism.

2. Choose foods rich in Omega 3 in infusions for an accelerated metabolism

Salmon and tuna contain healthy fats that speed up metabolism, reduce inflammation and control the hormones responsible for storing fat.

3. Don’t avoid meals of the day

Do you have a habit of skipping meals? This is a big mistake. It is ideal to have 6 small meals during a day, the most important meal being breakfast. If you eat regularly, your body knows that food is not a problem. If you skip one of the meals, this tells the body that it needs to store fat to conserve energy.

Therefore, it is very important to serve 6 meals a day, including fruit, fiber and protein. Remember the importance of a balanced diet and an active lifestyle. Also, these infusions will undoubtedly help you lose weight, having an accelerated metabolism.

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