4 Types Of Exercises For The Elderly

Tai chi and yoga exercises are very good for the elderly because they help balance and flexibility. 
4 types of exercises for the elderly

Even if you get older, it does not mean that you have to give up an active life. You should know that there are also exercises for the elderly that help maintain health and have a low impact on the joints.

An active life will make aging free of health problems. Establish an exercise routine, and your body will thank you. Here are some exercise ideas!

Exercises for the elderly

There are a number of specific movements that limit the risk of injury or overuse of the joints. This is necessary because old age is the age at which the risk of hitting increases.

1. Aerobic exercises

Swimming on the list of exercises for the elderly

Aerobic exercises have a low impact on the joints, and some of them are specially designed for the elderly. If you are accustomed to a high degree of difficulty, then you will certainly withstand a training session without problems. If you find it too much, don’t overdo it.

When it comes to this type of exercise, you are probably thinking about aerobic gymnastics. But in addition to this training, there are several other types of movement that you could try. E.g:

  • Cycling (regular or stationary)
  • Walking or running (outside or on the treadmill)
  • An aerobics course (for the elderly)
  • Exercises in the water

Many of these options can be tried in groups, which will make them much more fun and effective. The elderly tend to isolate themselves, either the children have left the parental home or are alone and away from the family. For this reason, the opportunity to make new friends and practice together is a great idea for your mood.

2. Yoga or tai chi

Outdoor yoga

These exercises are great for seniors because they do not require much effort. Wondering what the benefits of these practices may be?

Yoga is a combination of exercise and meditation that helps a lot in the development of joint flexibility. It also has an effect on toning the whole body, keeping it healthy and strong. Practicing yoga decreases the risk of injury from falling or losing balance.

Tai chi is a branch of martial arts that involves meditation. Through repeated tai chi sessions you can improve your strength, flexibility and balance.

The meditation practiced during these sessions helps you to anchor yourself in the present, to focus on the pleasant things in life and to enjoy every day. It is a beneficial practice for the elderly.

3. Swimming

In addition to water aerobics, swimming is part of the exercises for the elderly that do not stress the joints. It is a suitable activity for the elderly, complex and with a lot of advantages.

Swimming requires all muscle groups, harmonizes, strengthens and tones the body. And the risk of injury is low. Swimming is extremely beneficial, especially if you are prone to joint problems or have already suffered a trauma.

Swimming is an ideal exercise for the elderly suffering from depression. Contact with water and movement help to restore physical and mental health and vitality.

4. The dance

Dancing on the exercise list for the elderly

Dancing is an excellent activity for the elderly. Even if it is not officially considered a sport, you will feel invigorated and energetic after an hour of Zumba, folk dance or any other style you prefer.

In this way you move your body, tone it and improve your balance. It is a pleasant and fun activity that can be practiced with friends or new acquaintances.

These are some examples of exercises for the elderly that can be practiced safely by grandparents, but they are not the only ones. Any form of movement allows the body to age in a healthy way both physically and emotionally.

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