4 Types Of Stretches To Correct Posture

It is important to always pay attention to the signals sent by your body in order to be able to correct posture problems before they cause pain or to alleviate them when they have already appeared.
4 types of stretches to correct posture

Back and muscle pain are very common among adults. Daily routine and stress can overload the muscles and significantly affect posture. Therefore, it is an excellent idea to perform 4 types of stretches daily to correct posture.

The human body works like a perfect machine, all its parts being perfectly joined. For this reason, it is important to make sure that this balance is maintained.

Do you also suffer from back, hip, shoulder or headaches? These can be signs of incorrect posture. It is necessary to improve the situation as soon as possible, so as not to face more serious long-term illnesses.

Although it seems hard to believe, the posture adopted can even affect the internal organs, respiration and digestion. This is due to the tension present in the muscles responsible for maintaining balance, those that help you adopt an upright position and move freely.

Also, an incorrect posture can lead to health problems such as scoliosis, kyphosis, neck pain, low back pain or shoulder tendonitis. To treat these conditions it is necessary to seek the help of a specialist.

Fortunately, the discomfort caused by taking the wrong position can be alleviated and even prevented by frequently performing certain stretches to correct posture.

Muscles change the orientation of the bones. This is also true for the spine, which provides support to the whole body. That is why it is very important to train your muscles through stretching.

Start practicing these very effective movements too!

4 types of stretches to correct posture

Woman with a sore throat

1. Lifting the neck of the chin

  • Stand upright with your legs parallel and aligned with your hips. Push your chin back with your fingers.
  • Count to 3, then relax.

Do this very carefully to avoid injuring your neck or worsening the pain you are already experiencing.


This extent:

  • Strengthens the neck muscles.
  • Reduces neck pain.
  • Improves the posture adopted.

2. Stretch your arms back

  • Put your arms behind you and hold your hands together.
  • Then try to lift your arms slightly until you feel your pectoral area stretch.

Remember that you do not need to use excessive force and stretch your muscles a lot in this position. If you feel pain, gradually relax.


This extent:

  • Corrects posture and shoulders bent forward.
  • Releases the accumulated tension in the chest area.
  • Releases the accumulated tension in the shoulders.

3. Stretching the arms with support on the wall

  • Approach a wall and extend one of the arms horizontally. Your palm should be against the wall.
  • Then, apply light pressure by turning your body in the opposite direction to the arm you are using to lean against the wall.
  • Hold this position for ten seconds, then repeat the exercise with the opposite arm.


This extent:

  • Stretch the pectoral muscles.
  • Releases the accumulated tension in the shoulders.
  • Relieves the pain felt in the shoulders.

4. Stretching the abductor muscles of the hips

Woman who has a back pain
  • First, sit on the floor and put your feet in the butterfly position.
  • Bring the soles of your feet closer together and bring them as close to your body as possible, without feeling much pain.
  • Then, with your elbows, press lightly on your knees.
  • Hold this position for 20 seconds.


This extent:

  • Reduces hip imbalance.
  • Reduces the curvature of the spine.
  • Helps relieve low back and hip pain.

With these stretches to correct posture, you will relieve muscle and back pain. By practicing them, you will also reduce your stress level and risk of injury, and your physical condition will improve considerably.

It is necessary to perform stretches to correct posture every day to enjoy the results provided. Remember that you are used to being in the wrong position. So, it will be a while before you learn to always adopt a correct posture.

Always paying attention to your body is essential to be able to detect the wrong positions that cause you discomfort. It is not at all easy to correct your hump or your shoulders bent forward. It’s not enough to want. You have to be careful to always stand up straight and practice exercises to alleviate the problems mentioned.

However, if your problem is much more severe, you will most likely not be able to treat yourself on your own. You will need to seek the help of a specialist in the field.

It is important that you want to make these changes, which will even improve your self-esteem. A correct posture will help you to have more confidence in yourself and to have a more pleasant physical appearance.

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