5 Healthy Diets For The Body

The traditional Mediterranean diet is a reference for healthy eating patterns, but it is not the only option we have at our disposal. In this article, you will discover five diets that are comparable to the Mediterranean diet in terms of health benefits.
5 healthy diets for the body

Are you looking for healthy diets for your body? Read this article if you want to know which are the five diets as healthy as the traditional Mediterranean diet.

5 healthy diets for the body comparable to the Mediterranean diet

  • Paleo diet
  • Vegetarian diet
  • The Harvard Diet

1. Nordic diet

Foods that can be consumed in healthy diets for the body

2. Paleo diet

  • Eggs
  • fruits

3. The Japanese diet

The daily diet of the Japanese includes many of the following foods:

  • Fish and cephalopods, such as squid or octopus, several times a week
  • Whole grains and sweet potatoes

4. Vegetarian diet

  • to suffer from hypercholesterolemia
Lunch menu

5. The Harvard Diet

The Harvard Diet is a tool created by nutrition experts at Harvard School of Public Health. This tool aims to be a guide to help the American population make better diet choices. In addition, it is a visual tool that recommends filling half a plate with fruits and vegetables, a quarter with a source of protein and the other quarter with sources of healthy fats.

The Harvard diet also focuses on food quality and not just quantity. For example, this diet also recommends eating whole grains instead of refined flour and drinking water instead of soft drinks or energy drinks. Moreover, the Harvard diet warns against the adoption of low-fat diets and suggests the consumption of healthy vegetable oils and nuts.

Can these 5 healthy diets be compared to the Mediterranean diet?

All these five healthy diets for the body are based on the consumption of fresh and local products, rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. These diets are also excellent sources of protein and healthy fats.

In conclusion, the traditional Mediterranean diet is the best way to eat if you live in the Mediterranean area, because you can buy locally the food you need to eat. However, similar diets are perfect if you live in a different area. That being said, you need to make sure that your diet is well planned and tailored to your needs and location.

Lastly, don’t forget to include plenty of fresh foods in your diet, such as olive oil, sardines, walnuts or chickpeas. For any diet to work, you must always keep up with other healthy lifestyles, such as exercise.

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