6 Healthy Food Combinations

Did you know that sometimes two foods are more beneficial together than separately? Here are 6 of the healthiest and most nutritious food combinations. 
6 healthy food combinations

When you want to adopt a balanced diet, you need to know certain healthy food combinations. Many people make the mistake of consuming more carbs or other foods when, in reality, they should reduce their intake. But it is best to opt for certain food combinations that offer the body many benefits. 

If you combine them correctly, the chosen foods give you all the nutrients in their composition. In this way, the body also absorbs them more easily.

There are many foods that need certain vitamins and minerals to be assimilated properly. Here are the best healthy food combinations that help you enjoy maximum nutritional benefits.

1. Tomatoes and avocados – top this list of healthy food combinations

Tomatoes contain a healthy substance called lycopene. It is better absorbed in the intestines when combined with a healthy fat, such as those found in avocados.

Lycopene is an antioxidant rich in pigments called carotenoids. They reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. But to enjoy all these benefits, it is good to eat foods rich in lycopene along with a source of healthy fats. In this way, the body can enjoy all the positive effects of antioxidants.

At the same time, as we well know, the combination of tomatoes and avocado is very tasty!

2. Beets and chickpeas

As surprising as it may seem, this is one of the healthiest food combinations. Chickpeas contain the B vitamin complex, and beets are an excellent source of magnesium. What is the connection between these nutrients? Vitamin B6 facilitates the absorption of magnesium in the body. 

According to a recent study, this great combination of nutrients helps fight autism symptoms. In this study, people who received a dose of magnesium and vitamin B6 showed an improvement in the quality of social interactions and communication. Problems reappeared when they stopped receiving this dose.

3. Green tea and lemon

Lemon green tea is one of the best healthy food combinations

This food combination has gained a lot of popularity lately. But not everyone knows what extraordinary benefits it can offer.

Catechins are cancer-fighting antioxidants present in green tea. In combination with an acidic food, the body absorbs them much easier.

Next time you serve a cup of green tea, be sure to add a little lemon juice to it. This gives the drink a more pleasant and refreshing aroma.

You can also use this healthy combination as a base for morning smoothies. Add a green leafy vegetable and a seasonal fruit.

4. Broccoli and tomatoes

Let’s go back to tomatoes, a superfood that can be combined with almost any other ingredient. In this case, we will opt for broccoli. This food combination prevents the development of cancerous tumors.

Carotenoids in tomatoes enhance the effects of the bioactive components in broccoli,  offering most of the anticancer benefits.

A good idea is to use these ingredients to make a salad. You can also add a source of protein, such as chicken or cheese, one or two vegetables and a natural dressing. This salad is a nutritionally balanced and very nutritious dish.

5. Lemon and fodder cabbage

Cabbage with lemon is one of the best healthy food combinations

Herbal iron is much more easily absorbed when combined with vitamin C.  Therefore, it is recommended to prepare smoothies from green vegetables and a citrus fruit of your choice.

Vitamin C changes the iron in vegetables and makes it more similar to that present in meat. Thus, lemon facilitates the absorption of iron from forage.

Other sources of vitamin C are:

  • Oranges
  • Strawberries
  • Red peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Tomatoes

Other foods rich in iron are:

  • Leek
  • Beet
  • Spinach
  • Mustard leaves
  • Mangrove beets

6. Oatmeal and peanut butter

Here is another one of the best food combinations. If you eat oatmeal with peanut butter for breakfast, you start your day strong. 

Oats are a source of complex carbohydrates, while peanut butter is rich in healthy fats. Thus, consumed together, the two foods give you a generous dose of energy. In addition, this combination helps regulate blood sugar.

Two options for consuming this food combination are:

  • Like liquid. You can mix oatmeal and peanut butter with regular milk or soy. It is the best solution if you are in a hurry and you only have 5 minutes to prepare something.
  • Boiled oats sweetened with cocoa butter. Avoid adding sugar or any other sweetener.

Peanut butter will add a creamy texture to the regular breakfast menu, making it the ideal choice for a wonderful start to the day.

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