6 Things Needed In Maternity Luggage

When there are 3-4 weeks until the baby is born, you need to start preparing your maternity luggage that you will take with you to the hospital.
6 things needed in maternity luggage

As the end of pregnancy approaches, we all tend to be very agitated. We are waiting for that day to come as soon as possible. After we have prepared everything at home, it is time to start organizing some necessary things in the maternity luggage, which we will take with us to the hospital.

There is no doubt that we can find on the Internet various lists, some more detailed than others, about the things we need to include in this baggage. But it is important to prepare your luggage in a realistic way.

If all goes well, as it does after a pregnancy that has progressed properly, you will only have to stay in the hospital for about three days. Pay attention to the way you organize these necessary things in your maternity luggage, so that you have only the items you really need.

6 things needed in maternity luggage

Necessary things in the maternity luggage you take to the hospital

When packing your maternity luggage that you will take to the hospital, it is important to remember that you cannot put a lot of things in a bag or suitcase. Start by evaluating your suitcase pockets and compartments. For example, if diapers need to be handy, make sure you put them somewhere where you can find them quickly. Do the same with other objects.

These are hectic days, so it’s best to organize things in advance so you don’t have to worry or waste time looking for what you need. You can organize these necessary things in the maternity luggage according to the following list:

1. Necessary documents

In an easily accessible pocket of the suitcase includes a folder or foil with the necessary documents. You can prepare copies in addition to the originals, in case you need to have them at hand:

  • Identity documents
  • Health insurance card
  • Hospital access documents
  • Prescriptions (if you took medication during pregnancy).
  • The last tests and checks performed (blood values, ultrasounds or other tests).

2. Light clothes

Although after giving birth you will lose some of the pounds you gained during pregnancy, your body needs time to return to normal. So, you will need comfortable and light clothes.

If you give birth by cesarean section, you will most likely need help dressing. In this case, it is important to have light clothes to facilitate the process:

  • Gowns or pajamas that open in front.
  • High-waisted underwear (if you give birth by cesarean section, the elastic should not touch the incision).
  • Breastfeeding bras or bras of one or two larger sizes. Even if you do not breastfeed, your breasts will be full of milk and you will not be able to wear tight clothes.
  • Stockings (if it will be cold).
  • Towel (for shower).
  • Clothes to take out of the hospital.
  • Plastic slippers and slippers for shower.

3. Baby clothes

Necessary things in maternity luggage such as baby clothes

It is important that the baby’s clothes are in the same suitcase on the day of birth. Avoid putting these clothes in different bags. Usually, your partner or companion will give the baby’s clothes to the medical staff. So it’s best to put them all together:

  • WEAR
  • Socks
  • cringe
  • Small blankets
  • Blouses and T-shirts
  • Diapers and reamers for changing diapers
  • Towels
  • An exchange of clothes to get out of the hospital
  • If you are going to use a car seat or stroller, you must have it on hand (or your partner can bring it to you).

Among the things that are not so important in the first days we find wet wipes and gloves, but this also depends on preferences. It is important to remember that the baby will frequently put his hands in his mouth, as he has done thousands of times in the womb. It is a natural reflection.

4. Products for personal use

Although some hospitals offer personal products, it is best to have a few with you to feel more comfortable. For example, when it comes to intimate hygiene, it’s a good idea to have your favorite products with you:

  • Absorbents: it is normal to have bleeding after birth and there is a chance that you will suffer from urinary incontinence.
  • Shampoo, conditioner or any other hair care product.
  • Makeup products: it’s up to you if you want to have makeup products on hand. Some women prefer to have them, given that they will receive visits from relatives and friends. However, we should not overdo it, a mascara or a little foundation is enough.
  • Moisturizing, cleansing cream
  • Deodorant
  • Toothpaste

5. Products for the newborn

Necessary things in maternity luggage such as baby diapers

Among the first things you need to include in your suitcase are disposable or reusable diapers for the newborn. We recommend that you put them all in one place, as you did with your clothes.

Prepare about 20-24 diapers. Also, prepare bags with or without airtight closure to put used diapers or baby clothes that you will give to the medical staff. You can also include a moisturizer for the baby’s skin or a protective cream against diaper irritation.

6. Congratulations to your loved ones

Although you and your baby are the center of attention these days, it doesn’t hurt to prepare a few greeting cards or small thank you gifts for visitors who come to congratulate you and welcome the newborn. If you already have children or if other children come to visit, you can prepare some candies or buy some biscuits as a thank you.

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