Hair Grown Under The Skin: 5 Natural Solutions

There are several natural solutions to get rid of hairs grown under the skin and to reduce the risk of infection or inflammation in the area.
Hair grown under the skin: 5 natural solutions

Hair grown under the skin is one of the most common and annoying aesthetic problems. They usually appear on the legs, underarms or in other areas where people epilate their hair with a blade or other methods.

This problem is more common among people with curly or coarse hair, but we can all face it at least once in our lives.

As we already know, certain hairs grow under the skin and fail to penetrate its surface. Most often, these threads appear after epilation with the razor blade, because it cuts the upper part of the follicle, and it is partially blocked by dead cells.

At the same time, hairs grown under the skin appear when the hair curls and grows in the wrong direction, remaining under the skin or in the follicle.

Either way, the hairs under the skin are very annoying, not only because they are unsightly, but also because they can be quite painful.

Fortunately, there are several natural remedies that combat this problem, relieving inflammation and helping to remove hairs grown under the skin. Below we present 5 of the best solutions you can use when you face this problem.

1. Chamomile tea treats hair grown under the skin

Chamomile that treats hair grown under the skin

Chamomile is a plant with anti-inflammatory and soothing properties that helps eliminate hairs grown under the skin.

If you apply it directly on the skin, chamomile tea reduces the swelling that forms on its surface and helps to open the pores, so that the strands can reach the surface.


  • 2 tablespoons chamomile flowers (20 g)
  • 1/2 cup water (125 ml)


  • Add the two tablespoons of chamomile in boiling water and let them infuse for 5-10 minutes.
  • After the infusion reaches a bearable temperature, soak a clean cloth in the liquid and apply it on the affected area.
  • Repeat the treatment two to three times a day until the problem is resolved.

2. Bee honey

Bee honey is a natural antibiotic. When applied topically, it helps reduce inflammation and the risk of infection. Used several times a day, this remedy speeds up healing and helps moisturize the skin.


  • 2 tablespoons honey (50 g)
  • 6 drops of lemon juice


  • Mix bee honey with lemon juice and gently massage the remedy on the affected area.
  • Let it dry for 10 minutes, then rinse.
  • Apply two to three times a day, as needed.

3. Aspirin

Aspirin that treats hair grown under the skin

Aspirin can be used to reduce redness and inflammation caused by hairs growing under the skin. This medicine has anti-inflammatory effects that reduce swelling and protect the skin against infections.

In addition, due to the high content of salicylic acid, aspirin removes dead cells that block the follicles.


  • 2 aspirin tablets
  • 1 tablespoon hot water (10 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon honey (7.5 g)


  • Grind the aspirin and moisten the powder obtained with hot water and a teaspoon of honey.
  • Apply the paste obtained on the affected area, massaging with gentle movements.
  • Leave it on for 10 minutes, then rinse.
  • Repeat every day as much as necessary.

4. Salt

Gem salt is an excellent natural exfoliant that helps remove dead cells and unclog pores.

If you massage it on the skin, the salt improves circulation in the affected area, speeding up healing and reducing inflammation.


  • 1 tablespoon rock salt (12 g)
  • 1 teaspoon rose water (5 ml)


  • Moisten the rock salt with rose water and apply the mixture on the irritated area.
  • Leave it on for a few minutes, then rinse.
  • Use the remedy twice a day.

5. Cucumber

Cucumbers that treat hairs grown under the skin

The moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties of cucumber help to remove hairs grown under the skin. This vegetable contains vitamin C, water and antioxidants that relieve irritation and remove dead cells.


  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1/4 cup milk (62 ml)


  • Process the cucumbers in a blender, along with a quarter cup of milk. Refrigerate the mixture for two hours.
  • After it has cooled, apply it on the hairs grown under the skin and leave it on for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse and repeat the procedure twice a day.

Choose only one of these remedies and apply it several times until you notice an improvement. If you are unable to remove hairs grown under the skin, it is advisable to go to the doctor to avoid complications.

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