Useful Essential Oils In Winter

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes. There are various preparations that can be used in winter for the most common ailments that occur this season.
Useful essential oils in winter

With the help of expectorant and anti-infective essential oils, you can fight winter diseases such as colds, flu and bronchitis. However, they are not only useful in treating diseases, but are also effective in prevention. Find out what are the main essential oils useful in winter!

Essential oils are volatile essences extracted from aromatic plants, which are obtained by simple distillation and steam distillation. They can be taken alone or combined in the form of syrups, capsules, drops, sprays or substances for inhalation and vaporization.

Scientific aromatherapy is the study of essential oils. It is a science based on a rigorous methodology, with solid scientific data confirmed in the laboratory. Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes. It is a natural method based on the activity of biochemical molecules present in essential oils.

Today, we will talk about eight essential oils useful in winter for treating diseases specific to the cold season.

Essential oils useful in winter against diseases

1. Pine essential oil

The essential oil of this tree soothes inflammation and redness of the skin and mucous membranes and is a volatile antiseptic. Being nontoxic and gentle on the skin and mucous membranes, it is ideal for young children and people with sensitive skin.

It has a high affinity for the respiratory tract, exerting a decongestant and calming effect on the mucous membranes of the lungs, especially if there are chronic diseases of the bronchi.

This is a tree closely related to the health of respiratory function. Its molecular profile has a mucolytic action that facilitates expectoration. It is useful for respiratory and nose, throat and ear conditions, both acute and chronic.

However, its molecular profile is not suitable for use in infants, in pregnancy and lactation. It is well tolerated on the skin and mucous membranes.

Eucalyptus oil in glass container
Eucalyptus, in the form of an essential oil, is useful for respiratory ailments.

Useful essential oils in winter with chamomile
The benefits of chamomile essential oil have been known since ancient times.

Experts created this essential oil in 1980. Due to its cineole content, it has remarkable anti-catarrhal activity and antiviral action in colds, flu and sinusitis. It strengthens the body’s natural defenses, so it is very useful for preventing infections. It is especially useful for prevention in nurseries or nursing homes.

In addition to its pleasant fragrance, ravintsara essential oil provides energy and vitality. It is very well tolerated on the skin.


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