The Best Exercises For Pregnant Women

In today’s article, we will discuss the many health benefits of exercising during pregnancy. However, you need to follow the right advice and opt for relevant exercises. Read on to find out what exercises you can do during pregnancy!
The best exercises for pregnant women

Many people used to believe that pregnant women should not exercise because it could compromise fetal development. However, a number of scientific studies have confirmed the opposite. So what are the best exercises for pregnant women?

Some exercises can even improve the birth process. In addition, they can prevent certain pathologies during pregnancy. Preeclampsia and pregnancy-associated high blood pressure can be prevented through sports.

The best exercises for pregnant women

Before discussing the specific recommendations, it is important to note that all exercises must be customized. In other words, the pregnant woman must take into account her own physical condition and experience before starting a training routine.

What is good for one person could harm another, especially if the pregnant woman had a sedentary life before pregnancy or has a certain pathology. Always consult your doctor before starting a workout routine during pregnancy.

OK, let’s start with swimming, because this is one of the most recommended exercises during pregnancy. In fact, not only swimming, but almost any activity you can do in the pool. These movements will strengthen your back and lumbar muscles and can also reduce back pain.

Professionals strongly recommend training the pelvic floor with Kegel exercises. They are also great for relieving urinary incontinence.

Woman exercising for pregnant women
Strengthening the pelvic floor is essential during pregnancy because it can make birth easier.

Cardiovascular exercises

Strength exercises

These are the most controversial exercises when it comes to pregnancy. However, a study published in the Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte states that strength exercises can ease labor and support subsequent recovery.

In addition, researchers have observed that a number of discomforts frequently associated with pregnancy (back pain, for example) decrease in intensity when we train certain muscle groups. So you can easily work all muscle groups.

However, avoid heavy weights and anything too difficult. Use devices designed for this purpose or elastic bands to reduce the risk of injury. Also, opt for lighter sets with more light weight reps.

Exercises to avoid if you are pregnant

General recital

As mentioned above, the pregnant woman must be aware of her fitness before starting an exercise routine. Those who have had a sedentary lifestyle so far need to be especially careful. The same is true for any chronic pathology.

A study published in the Journal of Clinic and Research in Gynecology and Obstetrics concludes that exercise reduces the risk of preeclampsia and gestational diabetes. Similarly, the study states that swimming decreases the incidence of premature births.

There is insufficient evidence of any complications that may occur as a result of exercise during pregnancy. However, you need to be selective about the type of activities you do at this stage.

Pregnant woman swimming in the pool
Swimming is a good exercise for pregnant women, due to its low impact.

The best exercises for pregnant women: conclusion

Remember that exercise is good both physically and mentally. So, you have to forget the myth that pregnant women should not move, because this will only lead to negative consequences.

The most recommended exercises at this stage of life are those with low impact and which strengthen your muscles – swimming and riding a stationary bike. Train in moderation and always taking into account your fitness and health.

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