6 Ways To Use Eyeliner

The correct way to use eye mascara depends on the shape of the eyes, the occasion for which you put on make-up and the time of day.
6 ways to use eyeliner

Cosmetics and makeup techniques help millions of women feel beautiful and self-confident. By implementing the following 6 ways to use eyeliner, you too will become a brave woman!

Although we know that these qualities are a matter of attitude, many women feel more sophisticated and sensual when they manage to put on proper makeup.

When it comes to physical beauty, the eyes are very important. Their role is not only to highlight the attractiveness and the mysterious side. The eyes reflect the emotional state and accentuate the natural features of the face.

It is important to use the right makeup. After all, applying eye shadow doesn’t just mean drawing a line. Because many women have doubts, in today’s article we propose 6 ways to use eye mascara, depending on the occasion. Don’t hesitate to try them!

1. Cat’s eyes

Ways to use eye mascara in makeup

Cat’s eyes are the most popular eye makeup technique. We resort to this provocative and sensual trick on special occasions, especially when the event takes place at night.

Cat’s eyes are made with neutral makeup, but are highlighted with mascara and silver or gold eyeshadow. Be careful when drawing lines, because excessive application of ink can create a vulgar look.


  • Contour the entire eye with black ink and gradually thicken the line until it becomes similar to the one in the photo above.
  • Then draw a wing from the outer end of the lashes and fill it with black.

2. Eye color

Mysterious look with several ways to use eyeliner

The colored eye mascara offers a rejuvenating and invigorating effect, being ideal for making the big eyes shine. You can start with a dark base, above which to apply a light shade that stands out.

Unlike cat eyes, this look assumes that only the top of the eyes is contoured, the wing being directed outwards.


  • Draw a line with black eye ink over the root of the lashes.
  • Then, following the same line, add a little color.

3. The complete contour

Ways to use eyeliner that do not take long

The full contour has similar features to cat’s eyes, but offers a more discreet look. You can use it both during the day and in the evening, because it helps you to have a mysterious look, without being too intense.

When it comes to full contour, discretion is the most important aspect. Do not combine it with dark eyeshadow or excess mascara.


  • Contour the eyes with a fine line, but do not make it excessively angular or prominent.
  • Avoid this style if you have small or almond-shaped eyes because, instead of highlighting them, the full contour will make them look opaque and dark.

4. Double lines

Ways to use eye shadow to have an incredible look

The double lines are a very sensual style, ideal for events that take place at night. You need a little skill for this technique, but you can repeat the procedure until you succeed.

The lines are drawn on both eyelids, but should not be joined. To get a more elegant look, you can add a black eyeshadow pearl.


  • Draw a line along the upper eyelid, ending with a fin pointing upwards.
  • Then contour the lower eyelid, shading it slightly so that the line is not very visible.

5. Thin lines, one of the easiest ways to use eyeliner

Very simple ways to use eyeliner

This makeup technique with eye ink will help you get an elegant and discreet look, only good for an ordinary day at work or a trip out of town or to the beach. To make your look more expressive, apply mascara precisely on the lashes.


  • Start by applying a fine base over the lashes, then draw a subtle black line with eyeliner.
  • Slightly thicken the line on the outside of the eye.

6. The Greek line

Ways to use eye mascara to be beautiful

Women with small, almond-shaped eyes can get a sophisticated and bright look with the help of the Greek line. The last of the 6 ways to use the eye mascara we want to present to you will help you make your eyes look bigger and rounder, so that they stand out.

The Greek line fits both day and night. You can combine it with white eyeshadow or any other color.


  • The lines should be drawn so as to outline the eyes almost completely above, but they should stop in the middle of the lower eyelids.
  • If you want to try this makeup technique, apply mascara on the eyelashes and light eyeshadow.

Do you find these 6 ways to use eyeliner interesting? Try them with confidence at home!

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