Benefits Of Dragon Fruit (pitaya)

The dragon fruit is a very popular plant when it comes to ornamental purposes. But the fruit itself has become a fashionable gastronomic option. What are its benefits?
Benefits of dragon fruit (pitaya)

The fruit of the dragon is the fruit of the cactus Hylocereus cacteus. It comes from southern Mexico and Central America and there are different varieties of this tropical fruit. These include the pink-shelled fruit, which may have a pulp of the same color or white, with a few small black seeds inside. What are the benefits of dragon fruit (pitaya)?

Although it has an exotic appearance, it has a flavor similar to that of many other fruits. Some people describe it as having a taste between that of a kiwi and a pear. In the next article, we will discuss its composition and characteristics.

Properties and benefits of dragon fruit (pitaya)

This is one of the main positive effects of dragon fruit. As we have known for a long time, pitaya contains various compounds that serve as antioxidants – molecules that protect the body’s cells from the action of free radicals.

There is a sufficient amount of scientific evidence linking free radicals to certain chronic diseases, such as arthritis, cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Although free radicals are not the only cause of these pathologies, a diet rich in antioxidants can be an excellent preventive measure.

Pieces of pitaya
The fruit of the dragon is the fruit of a cactus. Characteristic of Central America, it is also available in other world markets.

Part of the nutritional content of dragon fruit is represented by carbohydrates. In addition to glucose and fructose, it has significant amounts of oligosaccharides. These are more or less long chains of sugars.

Experts have noted that gastric juices and enzymes cannot break down this type of fiber. Therefore, they end up undigested in the colon, where they serve as food for intestinal bacteria. This is why we can say that the dragon fruit is able to stimulate the growth of healthy probiotic strains, such as bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus.

There is still much to discover about the relationship between a healthy microbiota and good health. We already know that it influences certain pathologies, such as inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, obesity, metabolic syndrome and nonalcoholic fatty liver.

The body’s ability to cope with pathogens depends on certain dietary factors. Thus, the cells, including those of the defense system, have all the nutrients they need to function optimally.

As experts point out, the role of vitamin C and zinc, both present in dragon fruit, is noticeable. It is also important to remember vitamin A (in this case beta-carotene, one of its precursors).

This nutrient has the ability to prevent infections, while ascorbic acid supports various cellular functions of the innate and acquired immune system. Also, a large part of these cells are located in the lymphoid tissue of the intestines.

The intestinal microbiota interacts with these cells. All foods with a prebiotic effect take care of the microbiota and facilitate this positive effect on the immune system.


Dragon fruit is one of the few fresh fruits that provides a considerable amount of iron. As we will see later, it contains 1.9 mg of iron per 100 grams, which is about 10% of the daily requirement.

Moreover, the existence of vitamin C facilitates the absorption of iron.

Nutritional composition

How to choose and enjoy the benefits of dragon fruit

The benefits of freshly picked dragon fruit
Dragon fruit can be used in salads or as a juice.

It is important to include fruit in your daily diet, given the many benefits they offer to the body. An excellent option is the dragon fruit. Without a doubt, it is one of the most attractive exotic options on the market.

The dragon fruit is light and contains fiber and a large number of vitamins and minerals. Moreover, its consumption contributes to the prevention of chronic diseases. Pitaya improves the condition of the intestinal microbiota and strengthens the immune system.

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