Morning Headaches – The Most Common Causes

To prevent morning headaches, it is essential to know what factors are causing them. If this problem is recurrent and none of the possible causes below apply to you, consult a doctor immediately.
Morning headaches - the most common causes

Morning headaches and migraines are annoying at any time. Their cause depends on the exact moment when we begin to experience discomfort. If you feel as if someone is beating a drum near your temples, you are dizzy or unable to open your eyes, it is advisable to seek the help of a medical professional.

In today’s article we invite you to discover more about morning headaches and the factors that cause them.

11 possible causes for morning headaches

When morning headaches become so severe that they can no longer be tolerated, many people turn to a doctor. Even if we take painkillers, the pain may not improve and last all day. The most common causes of morning headaches are:

Inflammation of the nasal passages

If the passages behind the nose, eyes or cheekbones are inflamed, you may experience a very severe headache. In this case, the allergy or infection that caused the inflammation is the cause of the headache and should be treated to relieve this symptom.

Sleep apnea

Morning apnea and headaches

This disorder involves a temporary interruption of breathing during sleep. Because your brain is not receiving oxygen right now, you may wake up with a headache.

The classic symptoms of sleep apnea include dark circles and excessive fatigue, despite the fact that you have slept enough. If you sleep with another person, ask them if you are snoring in their sleep. Snoring is one of the possible symptoms of this health problem.

Sleep disorders

In addition to sleep apnea, which is a chronic disease, emotional and psychological factors can also prevent us from getting proper rest.

Stress, daily worries and anxiety can alter our quality of sleep. Many of us tend to go to bed very late, although we need to wake up early the next morning. If we don’t get at least eight hours of sleep every night, we won’t get enough rest.

Negative emotions and recurring nightmares can also cause migraines. The lights that enter the room through the window and the noises (a dripping faucet, the TV, the snoring of another person, etc.) can ruin our sleep. Morning headaches can be the consequence of all these factors.

Muscle tension

If you do not get enough rest, you are tense or you sleep in an incorrect position, you may experience nightmares or insomnia. The muscles of the neck and shoulders are tense and put pressure on the skull, causing headaches.

Opt for a quality mattress and a suitable pillow. In addition to the fact that you will sleep better, your spine will receive all the necessary support, especially the cerebral vertebra.

Drug abuse

These are medications designed to relieve headaches. When morning headaches occur two or more times a week, many of us resort to medication (both prescribed by a doctor and without a prescription).

Analgesic abuse causes counterproductive side effects. Basically, the medications you take to relieve morning headaches can actually be the cause of this problem. To prevent or reduce the frequency of morning headaches, avoid or reduce the following medications:

  • Aspirin
  • Acetaminophen
  • Decongestant
  • Analgesics
  • drugs


Morning headaches and dehydration

It is advisable to hydrate properly before evening. Although the body is not as active during this period as during the day, it must still be well hydrated.

When you do not drink enough water, the blood vessels in the head contract to balance the body’s fluids. Thus, the blood is not oxygenated properly and a headache is triggered.


Bruxism is very common in children, but adults can also be affected. Also known as gnashing of teeth while sleeping, this unconscious habit tenses the jaw muscles, causing pain and discomfort in the morning.

An inadequate sleeping position

One of the most common mistakes when it comes to a restful sleep is to sleep in an unnatural position.

If you sleep “squatting” or in a similar position, morning headaches will not be the only problem you will face. You will also experience back, neck, shoulder pain and more.

Keep your neck straight and try to sleep on your back or side. Avoid sleeping on your stomach. Remember, a proper sleeping position facilitates blood circulation and prevents morning headaches.

High blood pressure and diabetes

Both disorders can cause morning migraines because they involve constriction of blood vessels, increased blood pressure and muscle tension, especially in the head.

Orientation in bed

Morning headaches and body position

You have to take into account the teachings of the ancient practice of feng shui . According to this philosophy, the head of the bed should be directed to the north, so that you have a restful sleep and relax overnight. It is possible that this teaching also has a scientific basis.

“Restless” legs

This syndrome involves the existence of an uncontrollable impulse to move your lower extremities. Restless legs syndrome can cause sleep disturbances, with muscle spasms keeping the brain in a state of constant alertness. As a result, you may wake up with a headache.

If, in addition to morning headaches, you experience nausea, vomiting or blurred vision, we advise you to consult a doctor!

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