5 Foods That Regulate Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a disease that affects heart health. For this reason, it is important to regulate our blood pressure if we want to have a healthy life.
5 foods that regulate blood pressure

Want to discover some foods that regulate blood pressure? With each beat, the heart pumps blood through the arteries. If the blood pressure produced by these beats exceeds the normal limits, we can say that the person in question suffers from hypertension.

When it comes to measuring blood pressure, we need to consider two values:

  • Systolic blood pressure, ie the pressure produced by the heartbeat
  • Diastolic blood pressure, ie blood pressure when the heart rests between beats

Causes of high blood pressure

Foods that regulate blood pressure and protect health

There are certain factors that can affect blood pressure. Many of these are associated with harmful habits that we could easily change, including:

  • Obesity
  • Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages
  • Sodium-rich diets
  • Birth control pills and cold medicines
  • Inactivity

But the cause of the problem could be genetic causes. According to several studies, high blood pressure is inherited.

This disease increases the risk of death due to other cardiovascular disorders, such as:

  • Heart failure
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Hypertensive retinopathy
  • Chronic renal failure
  • Cerebrovascular diseases
  • Peripheral arterial disease

In its early stages, high blood pressure does not cause visible symptoms. As a result, a large proportion of patients do not know that they suffer from this disease

The best foods that regulate blood pressure

Some foods are effective when it comes to controlling or relieving the symptoms of certain diseases. In the following we propose five foods that regulate blood pressure.

1. Lemon juice

Drinks and foods that regulate blood pressure

Water retention is never a good sign, especially if you are hypertensive. Lemon can be very helpful if we face this problem, because it is an incredible source of vitamin C. Thus, it can fight toxins that accumulate due to water retention.

At the same time, the juice of this fruit has a diuretic and filtering effect. This juice has a high water content, which is the ideal remedy to purify the body safely and naturally.

To detoxify your body and stimulate the elimination of substances that can increase blood pressure, do not hesitate to try the following recipe:


  • 1 cup (250 ml) water
  • The juice of 2 lemons


  • Mix both ingredients without adding sweeteners. Consume the drink obtained on an empty stomach.

2. Bananas

Foods that regulate blood pressure and provide energy

Bananas are famous for their high nutrient content. They are a significant source of potassium, which can regulate blood pressure. In addition, their energizing effect will be very helpful after training.

Considering these three benefits, we advise you to include bananas in your daily diet. Also, reduce your sodium intake. Consume salt as rarely as possible and avoid processed foods.

3. Garlic

Garlic is included in the list of foods that regulate blood pressure

Garlic is a basic ingredient in the field of natural remedies. This food is considered to be very useful to treat an impressive number of medical, nutritional and orthopedic problems, among others.

If you suffer from high blood pressure, garlic can dilate your arteries, preventing the formation of blood clots.

  • You can eat it in the form of tablets, include it in the dishes you cook or serve a clove of garlic every day. Simply let it soak in a glass of water overnight (or for 6-8 hours) and consume it the next morning.

4. Olive oil, on the list of foods that regulate blood pressure

Foods that regulate blood pressure such as olive oil

The health benefits attributed to olives and their derivatives have been known since the time of the ancient Egyptians. As for high blood pressure, olive oil has a natural regulating action, reducing blood speed.

The healthy fats in the composition of this food product are made up of three thousand different components. Among its most important properties are:

  • Prevention of cellular oxidation
  • Regulating blood sugar and controlling diabetes
  • Reducing Bad Cholesterol (LDL)

5. Watermelon

Foods that regulate blood pressure included in desserts

Watermelon falls into the category of foods that regulate blood pressure due to its ability to widen blood vessels. This benefit reduces the patient’s risk of suffering a stroke.

In addition, watermelon provides L-citrulline and L-arginine. These two amino acids strengthen the veins and arteries and regulate blood pressure.

Has your doctor diagnosed you with high blood pressure, but haven’t developed any serious symptoms yet? The good news is that you have time to avoid complications. If you include a portion of watermelon in your daily diet, you will have a lot to gain.

Remember, in order to get optimal results, you must be disciplined and consistent. Your health is at stake, so start making the right decisions. A wrong diet only makes hypertension worse.

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