The Village Without Cancer: What’s The Secret?

In this village where there are no people with cancer, the inhabitants suffer from Laron syndrome. It prevents cell division, and patients become immune to cancer. 
The village without cancer: what's the secret?

Cancer is one of the main concerns of contemporary society. Specialists in science and medicine are trying to discover its mechanisms, not only to prevent this disease, but also to offer many cancer patients more treatment options.

As incredible as it may seem,  there is a certain “type” of people for whom the word “cancer” poses no threat.

In today’s article we invite you to find out what people are talking about and about the wonderful place where they live: Vilcabamba Valley in Loja, Ecuador, a village where there are no cancer patients.

The village without cancer

For starters, we need to talk to you about a unique genetic condition: Laron syndrome.

Laron syndrome is a rare, inherited disease that causes a growth deficit. In addition, this genetic trait offers 100% immunity against cancer and diabetes.

Let’s see what this is about.

350 people with Laron syndrome worldwide

Laron syndrome was first discovered in the early 1950s by Zvi Laron, an Israeli physician. He was attracted by a group of patients from a small village in his country, who had very low heights.

The small stature was accompanied by an excellent state of health. These people could eat anything without diabetes, and none of their ancestors had cancer.

After more than 30 years of research, the doctor published his findings on the mechanisms of this bizarre syndrome. Broadly speaking, this is the most important information revealed:

  • Laron syndrome affects 350 people worldwide. Most of them live in the Vilcabamba Valley in Loja, Ecuador.  The others live in Israel and in some Mediterranean countries.
  • People with this syndrome are very small in stature: they rarely exceed 1 m.
  • In addition to stature, those affected also share certain physical traits.
  • The syndrome is caused by a deficiency of growth hormones.

Although GH growth hormone is produced in normal amounts, the lack of another IGF-1 hormone, associated with insulin secretion, prevents its equal distribution throughout the body.

  • The syndrome can only be transmitted when both parents are carriers of this gene.

Laron syndrome prevents the development of cancer and diabetes

People with this genetic condition lead a normal life. Apart from their short stature, they do not suffer from diseases or other physical problems.

The effect is so strong that many doctors are surprised that, although many of them have an inadequate diet, rich in fats, sweets and fried foods, these people do not get diabetes or cancer.

Patients with Laron syndrome cannot have cancer

Since Laron syndrome was discovered, neither of the affected people has been diagnosed with these two diseases. The causes could be the following:

  • An essential role is played by the liver and the hormone that slows down the secretion of growth hormone.
  • IGF-1 not only helps children grow and develop, but continues to stimulate cell division after they reach adulthood, facilitating, in some cases, the development of cancer.
  • People with Laron syndrome are more sensitive to insulin, which slows down diabetes or other metabolic problems.
  • However, affected children do not develop as they should.
  • But once they reach adulthood, IGF hormone deficiency acts as an excellent protective agent against two of the most common diseases of contemporary society: cancer and diabetes.

A challenge for science and a hope for people with Laron syndrome

Although they do not develop cancer or diabetes, the lives of people with Laron syndrome are not very happy.

Historians believe that they are descendants of Spanish Sephardic Jews who converted to Christianity and emigrated to South America in the 16th century.

In any case, these people had to endure the mockery and stigma of being “different.”

Scientists are currently trying to discover the mechanism of this hormone to mimic it and produce a revolutionary drug that delays the development of cancer.

So far, the experiments have only been performed in laboratories.

Doctors are trying to find a new anticancer treatment

There is hope for people with Laron syndrome. If a child is diagnosed early, he or she may receive a synthetic form of the hormone IGF-1. The problem is the cost of the procedure: about $20,000 a year.

Few people can afford this amount. Let’s hope that in the future new solutions will be discovered for the inhabitants of this village, but also a cure for the many cancer patients.

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