Relief Of Trigeminal Neuralgia Symptoms

It is not easy to deal with trigeminal neuralgia, but certain natural remedies provide satisfactory results. In today’s article, we will talk about three such solutions.
Relief of the symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia

Relieving the symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia is a difficult goal to achieve. In general, this sensory disorder causes a kind of painful “electric shock” to the head, face and neck. Today we want to show you how you can deal with trigeminal neuralgia with the help of certain natural remedies.

Most patients with trigeminal neuralgia are over 50 years old. But the symptoms of this disorder are not constant. The patient can enjoy several weeks without any discomfort. Early diagnosis is thus difficult because there are often doubts about the cause of the symptoms. As a consequence, the start of treatment is delayed.

Remedies to relieve the symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia

Before we present you some natural remedies that can be very helpful in relieving the symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia, we want to emphasize the importance of consulting a doctor. The following remedies will not work on their own, but can only complement a drug treatment.

Natural remedies cannot replace the solutions prescribed by your doctor. Trigeminal neuralgia is a disease that must be treated with medication, and in some cases, the patient will have to undergo surgery.

1. The shock

Shock flowers to relieve the symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia
This remedy is used due to its effect on vascular spasms and can relieve the symptoms of neuralgia.

The juice is a popular remedy for relieving the symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia. In fact, the flowers of this plant are widely used in phytotherapy due to their anti-inflammatory properties. These properties are useful in treating the discomfort caused by trigeminal neuralgia.

Here are just a few of the remarkable properties of shock:

  • It is emollient and can reduce inflammation when applied externally
  • It is antispasmodic, preventing the sensation of “electric shock”
  • It is venotonic, promoting proper blood circulation

In the case of trigeminal neuralgia, the shock should be applied externally. Prepare an infusion of the leaves of the plant, then soak compresses in it and apply them on the painful places on the head, face or neck. You will immediately feel an improvement.

2. The vetiver

Bouquet of vetiver roots

The second remedy we want to present to you is based on a plant called vetiver, which is easily found in the form of essential oil. In general, the calming and anti-inflammatory properties of vetiver make it a reliable ally in combating the pain caused by neuralgia.

In order for the treatment with this plant to yield, prepare an infusion from its roots. Then apply the infusion directly on the target region (head, face or neck) with gentle massage movements.

3. Arnica

Arnica flowers in the wild
The calming effect of this plant can be used to relieve neuralgia.

Arnica is the last remedy for relieving the symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia. These yellow flowers have many beneficial properties and are useful for treating a wide variety of problems.

For example, arnica presents:

  • An anti-inflammatory effect
  • An analgesic effect
  • Ability to reduce edema (inflammation)

The best way to use arnica is to apply it topically in the form of tincture. Dilute this substance in water and then apply it with gentle massage movements on any affected region.

Some final tips

Remember that although the three remedies presented in this article are excellent in relieving the symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia, they cannot cure the disease. Consult a doctor to find out how you can keep trigeminal neuralgia under control and receive appropriate treatment.

In fact, the above remedies can only complement the treatment prescribed by your doctor. Don’t forget to ask your specialist if these remedies could affect the effectiveness of the main treatment. Most likely, they will prescribe you anticonvulsants and muscle relaxants. In addition, your doctor may recommend botox injections (in very small doses).

Surgery is the best solution in the worst cases. They can treat the problem at the root, preventing it from adversely affecting your life.

Have you been diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia? Do you know anyone who suffers from this disorder? We hope that you will start using the remedies presented in this article to improve your quality of life.

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