Tricks For Ever Young Hands

Many women do not pay much attention to hand care until their skin begins to dry much more easily and loses all firmness. However, if we start taking care of our hands from a young age, we may be able to postpone their premature aging.
Tricks for always young hands

Many women do not pay much attention to hand care until their skin begins to dry much more easily and loses all firmness. To help you, in this article we will present you some tricks to have naturally young and beautiful hands.

Nourish the skin on your hands every day!

There are several reasons why the skin of the hands may dry out:

  • Aging
  • Sun exposure
  • An inadequate diet
  • Excessive use of conventional cleaning and body care products
  • Smoking

Most women begin to feel the negative effects of the factors I just listed when they reach a certain age. But it is precisely for this reason that we must begin to take care of our hands in time.

Our hands deserve as much attention as the rest of the body and, if we are willing to give them, they will always be hydrated and healthy and will look young.

If the skin on your hands is always dry and you are looking for a moisturizer, we advise you to opt for a product as natural as possible, which contains nourishing ingredients such as:

  • Rosehip oil
  • Almond oil
  • Olive oil
  • Aloe vera
  • Shea butter
  • Argan oil

Any of these products can be used as a hand lotion without being combined with other substances, this variant being probably the cheapest, but also the most natural.

Hand tricks and exfoliating them regularly

One of the first signs of aging hands is roughening their skin. To avoid this unsightly problem, exfoliate your hands regularly so as to remove dead cells that accumulate on their surface.

You have a wide range of natural products for exfoliation and we advise you to opt for them, because traditional cosmetics can have harmful effects on the skin.

Try to apply a little sugar or salt on your hands. If the skin of your hands is very dry, mix either of these two ingredients with olive oil.

Massage your hands carefully, as if you were washing them, then rinse with warm or cold water. Remember: you need to exfoliate your hands at least twice a week.

Hand tricks with salt

Hand tricks and improving circulation!

Cold hands are one of the most common symptoms of poor circulation in the extremities. In general, people who have this problem also tend to have cold feet.

Poor blood circulation should not be ignored. To help our blood flow normally again, we need to make sure that our body receives all the nutrients it needs.

If you feel cold all the time, feel free to follow these tips:

  • Massage your hands with oil obtained from ginger root or any other essential oil that causes a feeling of warmth
  • Consume moderate amounts of spices (cayenne pepper, ginger, etc.)
  • Keep your hands alternately in cold, warm water
  • Wear only gloves made of wool or other natural material
  • From time to time, drink ginkgo biloba tea to improve your circulation in the extremities

Tricks for hands and nails!

Nails play a very important role in the overall appearance of our hands. In order to always have beautiful nails, we must regularly take care of their manicure and follow a healthy diet, rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, peas, healthy oils, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

Any marks or discoloration that appear on the nails — especially white spots or perpendicular stripes — are a warning sign that we are not eating properly. Another symptom that should catch your eye is cracked nails.

Hand and nail tricks

Beware of osteoarthritis!

Another major condition that can affect the health of the hands is osteoarthritis, a degenerative disease that causes deformities of the hands and fingers.

If osteoarthritis is ubiquitous in your family history or you have begun to notice the early symptoms of this condition, wash your hands with a clay soap and let the foam act on your hands for 15-30 minutes, until it hardens.

Remember that there are many dietary supplements you can take to delay the onset of osteoarthritis, such as:

  • Essential fatty acids
  • Bromelain
  • Calcium
  • Shark cartilage
  • Turmeric
  • Magnesium
  • Selenium
  • Collagen
  • C vitamin
  • Silicon

But do not start any treatment before consulting your doctor.

Turmeric hand tricks

Hand tricks and excessive sweating

Excessive sweating is another factor that can alter the appearance of your hands. In addition, this problem could signal the existence of a disorder in your nervous system.

To treat excessive sweating of the hands, use pedicure spores, known as the “sulfur plant”. You can buy this remedy from any health food store. Simply apply it on your hands as if it were talcum powder.

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