Natural Remedy For Varicose Veins With Vinegar And Red Tomato

Applied topically, the following remedy with green tomatoes and vinegar is very useful against the discomfort caused by varicose veins.
Natural remedy for varicose veins with vinegar and green tomatoes

Varicose veins are dilated veins that form when the blood fails to reach the heart properly. If you are facing this problem, you definitely need a natural remedy for varicose veins.

These are among the most common aesthetic problems for women. Varicose veins generally appear in adulthood due to genetic inheritance or hormones.

In a healthy person, the heart valves constantly pump blood. Thus, the blood flow from the lower extremities to the heart is uniform.

But due to wear and tear that occurs with age, problems can occur. These imbalances include inflammation that causes varicose veins.

We will not notice them at first, and varicose veins are not a serious health problem. Over time, however, they can cause an unpleasant feeling of heaviness and pain in the legs.

For this reason, you should not overlook them in any way. Also, adopt healthy habits and keep in mind that you have many natural treatments to stimulate the healing process.

In today’s article we present a natural remedy for varicose veins with vinegar and green tomatoes. The following treatment is famous for its calming and anti-inflammatory effect, being only good for relieving the discomfort caused by varicose veins.

Use vinegar and green tomatoes to prepare a natural remedy for varicose veins

By combining green tomatoes with apple cider vinegar, you get a natural therapeutic remedy. With this treatment, you will prevent the formation of varicose veins on the legs.

The following remedy applies topically. After several applications, the affected veins will be less inflamed. At the same time, blood circulation will improve.

The combination of green tomatoes and apple cider vinegar contains many essential components, including vitamins and minerals. As soon as they are absorbed into the skin, these 2 ingredients support the functioning of the lymphatic system. Thus, the body becomes able to eliminate fluids and toxins optimally, these are the factors that make it difficult to treat varicose veins.

The benefits of apple cider vinegar

Natural remedy for varicose veins with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a natural tonic. This product has vasodilating and anti-inflammatory properties. If you start applying it regularly, you can improve the appearance of varicose veins.

Among other things, apple cider vinegar contains natural acids, vitamins and minerals. These components stimulate blood circulation and reduce the risk of premature aging.

Applying it topically, apple cider vinegar relieves pain and provides a relaxing effect. So, you can use it whenever varicose veins cause pain or numbness.

The nutrients in apple cider vinegar are also beneficial for the health of the skin, helping this organ to maintain its firmness.

The benefits of green tomatoes

Natural remedy for varicose veins with green tomatoes

Topical application of green tomatoes is a popular and inexpensive natural remedy. You can use this food to treat varicose veins that form on the legs.

Green tomatoes are high in lycopene, an antioxidant that fights oxidative stress and inflammation. Their natural acids act in a similar way to certain aspirin compounds, stimulating blood circulation and reducing the risk of clots.

In some cases, green tomatoes can restore the proper functioning of the valves, improving blood flow to the heart. And, of course, they are an invigorating ingredient. Being rich in water, the topical application of green tomatoes removes fatigue and tension.

How to prepare this natural remedy for varicose veins with vinegar and green tomatoes?

Natural remedy for varicose veins that is effective

To prepare this natural remedy for varicose veins, it is essential to buy 100% organic apple cider vinegar. Refined variants do not offer the same richness of nutrients.

It is also good to combine this ingredient with an equal amount of water, as it is rich in acids and may be too aggressive with the skin. If you do not have sensitive skin, you can use undiluted apple cider vinegar.


  • 5 green tomatoes
  • 1 cup apple cider vinegar


  • A glass container with a lid
  • Patchwork or gauze

Method of preparation

  • Cut the green tomatoes into several slices and place them in a glass jar.
  • Pour the apple cider vinegar over them and let the mixture stand for 48 hours.
  • Place the jar in a dark place so that the remedy obtained is sufficiently concentrated.

Application method

Natural remedy for varicose veins easy to apply
  • Take some of the green tomato slices from the jar and apply them on the varicose veins.
  • It completely covers the targeted region with slices of tomato. Use a patch or gauze to secure the slices.
  • Leave the remedy on for 40 minutes, then rinse with cold water.
  • Repeat this treatment every day for at least 2 weeks.

Do varicose veins bother you? Use the natural remedy presented in this article regularly, and the desired results will not be long in coming. But keep in mind that this treatment is not a miracle cure, but it will help you significantly alleviate the discomfort caused by varicose veins.

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