Removing Nail Stripes Depending On The Cause

Although they usually occur due to damage or nutritional deficiencies, the stripes on the nails can also signal some serious problems.
Remove the stripes from the nails depending on the cause

Is removing stripes from your nails a goal for you? All women want to have beautiful and strong nails that do not break easily. The problem is that sometimes they develop certain irregularities, including streaks. In addition to altering their appearance, such imperfections signal the existence of an imbalance in the body.

In today’s article we present the main causes of the appearance of stripes on the nails, as well as how you can remove them naturally.

Remove the stripes from the nails when they are horizontal

Nails can develop white stripes, somewhat horizontal, for various reasons. The most common causes of this type of imperfection are:

Serious diseases accompanied by high fever

Removal of stripes on the nails in certain diseases

In this situation, the patient suffered from a serious disease such as pneumonia or scarlet fever. White streaks appear on only a few nails at once, due to the fact that the body gives priority to overcoming the disease, not the normal growth of the nails.

You do not need to take any special treatment. The stripes will disappear on their own during the recovery period.

  • Because your nails grow about a millimeter a week, you can even determine the approximate date your body was subjected to traumatic stress.


If you have a family history of diabetes and show various symptoms characteristic of this disease, the horizontal stripes on your nails could be the consequence of not following a proper treatment.

The first step is to consult a doctor, undergo the recommended tests and get an accurate diagnosis. Many cases of type 2 diabetes can be treated naturally with supplements based on Stevia rebaudiana or cinnamon.


Removal of stripes on the nails in case of psoriasis

This skin disorder leads to peeling and inflammation of the skin. Many parts of the body can be affected, including the nails, on which horizontal stripes can form. Patients with psoriasis will have to endure a lot of discomfort, because the pain and itching will be overwhelming.

Although there is no actual cure for psoriasis, many patients have reported positive results after adopting a more balanced and healthy diet. We advise you to include fresh and natural foods in your daily diet and to reduce your intake of products that contain refined sugar and harmful fats.

Circulatory disorders

If you have poor blood circulation and have additional symptoms such as varicose veins or a feeling of pressure or heaviness in your legs, this may be the reason why your nails are covered with horizontal stripes.

To improve your circulation, be more active and adopt a complete diet.

  • Increase your intake of red foods (tomatoes, red fruits, red pepper, etc.).
  • You can also opt for hot and cold water baths or massages with essential oils (rosemary, cypress or witch hazel).

Zinc deficiency

Removing stripes from zinc nails

The human body needs zinc to perform many functions. At the same time, this essential mineral keeps our nails strong and healthy.

Zinc deficiency can cause horizontal streaks on the nails. These alarms warn us that we need to increase our zinc intake. We can take this mineral in the form of supplements or get it from foods like:

  • Cocoa powder
  • Dehydrated kernels of watermelon
  • Meat
  • Oysters
  • peanuts
  • sesame
  • Pumpkin (including kernels)
  • Butter

Remove the stripes from the nails when they are vertical

The vertical stripes that can form on the nails do not have the same causes as the horizontal ones.


Removal of stripes from nails on women

The most common cause of the appearance of vertical stripes on the nails is represented by the aging process. By adopting a diet rich in antioxidants, you can delay the internal and external damage caused by free radicals. Here are some foods rich in antioxidants:

  • Cocoa
  • Garlic and onion
  • Avocado
  • Grapes
  • Tomatoes
  • Lemon
  • Broccoli
  • Turmeric
  • Green tea
  • Laminated nuts
  • apples
  • Pepper

Vitamin B deficiency

The appearance of vertical stripes on the nails is sometimes associated with a deficiency of vitamin B — in other words, pernicious anemia.

The body may not be able to properly assimilate this nutrient or the patient may follow a strict vegetarian diet. To fix the problem, increase your vitamin B intake from sources such as:

  • eggs
  • Meat
  • shellfish
  • Spirulina
  • Yeast

Magnesium deficiency

Removal of stripes on men's nails

And the lack of magnesium can lead to the appearance of vertical stripes on the nails. Unfortunately, the food available is increasingly poor in this mineral due to poor quality soil, poor in nutrients.

To support the removal of stripes on the nails that appear for this reason, it is advisable to take magnesium supplements. The best options are magnesium chloride (it is excellent against constipation) and magnesium citrate (ideal for those suffering from gastric hyperacidity).

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