7 Japanese Words That Support Personal Development

Discovering philosophies specific to other cultures through certain key terms can help you perceive life differently. Take a look at the beautiful words in Japanese presented in this article to get a new perspective on things. 
7 Japanese words that support personal development

Did you know that there are certain Japanese words that support personal development? When you learn other languages, you can discover how certain cultures organize their entire world, perceptions of life, and even the personal universe around certain words.

In Japanese culture, there are certain terms that include a number of ideas that surprise, captivate and attract people from the West. These words invite you to reflect deeply on things and integrate certain concepts that encourage change, personal development and approach to new perspectives. Above all, these terms contribute to the cultural and psychological enrichment of each individual.

In today’s article, we present 7 of the most beautiful Japanese words that support personal development. If you read them, they will surely arouse your interest and curiosity.

1. Ikigai, your reason for being

Every man should have an ikigai . Ikigai is the reason, purpose, dream or main goal that gives you strength and energy every morning to start a new day.

As we already know, not all people have yet discovered this supreme goal. That is why many people often feel lost, do not have a clear path ahead or a motivation to bring them that true, tangible happiness.

Ikigai is definitely an interesting concept that gives us all something to think about.

2. Kintsukuroi , wound healing with gold

Kintsukuroi is one of those Japanese words that support personal development

The kintsukuroi philosophy is linked to the concept of resilience. It is a meticulous and delicate art through which you heal your wounds and become a stronger, more dignified and more beautiful person. 

In Japanese culture, kintsukuroi  refers to a technique of repairing broken porcelain vessels. Instead of throwing them away, the artists glue the parts with a putty containing gold dust. The cracks are visible, because their role is to illustrate the strength of a unique object, which tells its own story.

3. Aware or the sadness of ephemerality

Life passes quickly and no one is waiting. It is ephemeral, intense and relentless. Love disappears and friendships fall apart. What seemed certain at one point ends abruptly, forcing you to start over.

Throughout all these processes there is “aware,” one of the most transcendent words in the Japanese language. Its meaning refers to the fact that sadness is transmitted through the ephemeral side of things. But no matter how difficult it is, we have to move on and close some doors to open new ones.

4. Majime, the  person who knows how to take responsibility

In Japanese, majime means serious person. The term does not refer to the closed and grumpy nature of an individual, but to the fact that he is a trustworthy person, on whom you can rely.

5. Nankurunaisa, one of the most beautiful Japanese words that support personal development

Nankurunaisa is among those Japanese words that support personal development

If we talk about Japanese words that support personal development, we cannot omit  nankuranaisa . This term refers to a classic concept in spheres such as motivational psychology, personal development and spirituality. It is an urge to trust in the future. 

We all went through difficult times when our only option was to trust what was to come. It is important to understand that time, but also your will and spirit will fix everything and bring you new opportunities on the horizon.

6. Gaman, bear the burdens with dignity

Gaman is another term related to the roots of Buddhism. It proposes a philosophy that helps you look at life differently.

In fact, Gaman  comprises several ideas:

  • The ability to control yourself.
  • The need to be patient.
  • The power to endure difficult and complex moments.
  • The need to be resilient and to combine dignity with inner strength.
  • The ability to overcome difficulties and try to do something every day to improve your condition.

Gaman  also refers to the importance of not neglecting others. You don’t have to be oppressive or annoying, but be understanding with the people around you, even when you are full of problems.

7. Wabi-sabi , the beauty of imperfections

Wabi-sabi is among those Japanese words that support personal development

Wabi-sabi  is, in turn, one of the most beautiful and interesting Japanese words that support personal development. It is about aesthetics, art and nature, but it can also be applied to your personal situation, as well as to everyday psychology.

Wabi-sabi refers to the beauty of seemingly imperfect things. The idea is that really beautiful things are simple, elementary and pure, regardless of their small flaws and imperfections. It is important to apply this concept every day to give up the obsession with idealized beauty.

It is not necessary to look for perfection in everything around you, in your body or even in personal relationships. Accept that we all have flaws and stand out for our imperfect beauty.

Remember these Japanese words that support personal development and apply in everyday life the interesting ideas they express. 

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