Chronic Low Back Pain – Causes And Treatment

Although it is generally associated with an incorrect body posture, low back pain can have many other causes. In order to fix the problem and avoid complications, we must consider all possibilities.
Chronic low back pain - causes and treatment

Chronic low back pain is a common problem among both men and women. More and more people of all ages are affected by this type of pain, including young people.

Chronic low back pain can alter the quality of life, preventing those affected from carrying out their daily activities. In today’s article we present the main causes of chronic low back pain, as well as the treatments and natural remedies you have at your disposal.

What is the lumbar region?

The lumbar region is located in the lower back, at the base of the spine or sacrum. It has a curvature that, in the case of a disease called lordosis, can be exaggerated.

Chronic low back pain can be based on muscle or vertebral problems, but also the poor functioning of certain organs, such as the kidneys and intestines. Although the cause of this type of pain is often an incorrect body posture, it is sometimes influenced by various emotional states.

Chronic low back pain requires proper treatment

1. Kidney problems, one of the main factors that can cause chronic low back pain

To find out if the low back pain that is bothering you is caused by kidney disease, place the palms of both hands on the lumbar region. The place touched by the thumbs is the approximate location of the 2 kidneys.

If you feel pain when you put pressure on this region, your kidneys may be inflamed. To treat the problem, you will need a natural remedy.

  • Eat onion stew and drink dandelion or burdock tea throughout the day until the pain is gone.

2. Sensitivity to cold and humidity

Some people, due to metabolic disorders and more, are very sensitive to cold and humidity, especially if sudden climate change occurs. Along with the joints, the lumbar region is one of the most vulnerable parts of the body to these factors.

  • To protect your lumbar region, wrap it with a woolen bandage, just as you would with a belt. This material will protect you from the outside temperature, relieving chronic lobe pain and helping you feel better.

3. Incorrect body postures

Let’s take the example of models. They tend to arch their back frequently, pushing their lumbar region forward in an unhealthy way.

Such incorrect body postures are the cause of back pain in both adults and children. Pregnant women can also experience low back pain due to the weight of their abdomen.

  • To fix the problem, perform exercises aimed at the spine, so as to rearrange your body with the correct postures.
  • Reverse therapy is also very useful (but pregnant women are not allowed to try it).
Chronic low back pain can be caused by incorrect body posture

4. Intestinal disorders

Chronic low back pain can also be caused by intestinal disorders such as constipation or diarrhea. Treat these problems with the help of natural remedies:

  • Constipation: chia and flax seeds, probiotic supplements, raw and high-fiber fruits and vegetables, plenty of water between meals.
  • Diarrhea: green tea, white rice, charcoal supplements, probiotics.
  • Alternating seizures and diarrhea: Bach flower remedies, homeopathic remedies, kudzu, chia seeds.

5. Emotional problems

Emotional problems can have a direct impact on the lumbar region. This part of the body is often affected by our fears, especially financial ones.

To relieve chronic low back pain caused by negative emotions, consult a specialist to get a personalized treatment based on Bach flower remedies, homeopathic products, plants, etc.

And our emotions can trigger chronic low back pain

6. Injuries

Last but not least, one of the most common causes of low back pain is injuries resulting from exercise, injury or incorrect movements.

These lesions should be treated immediately to avoid chronic low back pain. Go to the doctor to undergo the relevant investigations and take supplements that speed up the healing process:

  • Arnica-based homeopathic remedies
  • Eco-friendly liquid silicone
  • Yeast
  • Shark cartilage

As soon as you notice the lesion, apply ice to relieve the inflammation. Later, it is advisable to apply heat with a compress, a bottle of warm water or a cream.

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