10 Signs That You Have A Narcissistic Partner

A narcissistic partner will end up making you feel inferior. It can make you feel guilty, underestimated and unimportant.
10 signs that you have a narcissistic partner

Maybe there are some things in your relationship that make you feel uncomfortable. However, you can’t say exactly what bothers you. If your partner talks too much about herself and her problems and projects an idealized image, you probably have a narcissistic partner. In this article, we will share some of the warning signs and tell you what you should do.

10 signs that you have a narcissistic partner

1. Conversations with your partner are actually endless monologues

Talk to a narcissistic partner
Narcissists are always the center of conversations.

Conversation with a narcissist can be tiring. It is a frustrating experience due to the fact that, in reality, a narcissist does not “make conversation”, but has an endless and tiring monologue. He never has dialogues because he does not accept the exchange of ideas and opinions.

In fact, even if you try to speak, he won’t let you talk too much. It will interrupt you with words like “good”, “therefore” or “but” due to the fact that a narcissist thinks he already knows everything. If you end up expressing your opinions, they will ignore you or correct you.

For this reason, it is normal to feel frustrated after trying to talk to a narcissistic partner.

2. All the discussions revolve around him

The subject of the conversation always ends up being about himself. In fact, even in conversations with several people, a narcissist will try to draw attention to himself constantly or to an object – or a person – that he glorifies or wants. For this reason, narcissists are people who constantly interrupt discussions and take the floor without respecting others.

Not only does he not listen to others, but he ignores and monopolizes any group discussion. For this reason, if your partner is narcissistic, it makes sense for you to feel unimportant and underestimated.

3. She loves breaking the rules

A narcissist must always feel different and superior. For this reason, narcissists often enjoy breaking the rules. For example, this may include non-compliance with traffic rules, moving home office equipment, and so on.

These actions make narcissists feel that they are above the law, common sense rules and society in general. They feel superior and think they can get away with whatever they do.

4. Do not respect the limits

Woman that others blame
A narcissist cares only for his own needs, not respecting the needs of others.

Because your narcissistic partner feels superior, you will always be below him. For this reason, narcissists do not respect or respond to the needs of their partner. They are their only priority.

Have you ever lent him money you never got back? Does it undermine your feelings or achievements? Does it discourage you from giving yourself time and space just for yourself? If so, you most likely have a narcissistic partner.

5. Project a false self-image

This is the basic characteristic of a narcissist. For example, the narcissist spends a lot of time arranging himself because he has to impress others. He also compliments himself in front of others, saying things like “Look how good this coat looks on me” or “I’m so special.”

Narcissists try to make others think they are worthy of admiration. However, in reality, they are deeply insecure people with low self-esteem.

6. Believe that it must be the center of your universe

Not only are your needs less important, but a narcissist expects you to meet his needs before yours. A narcissist considers himself the most important partner in a relationship, which is why he will ask you to pay attention to him at any time, regardless of your needs and obligations.

7. At first, it was charming

Couple having a discussion
At first, the image he projects of himself is that of a charming person. However, his true personality will eventually come to light.

Your partner was charming when he tried to conquer you. You thought he was charismatic, loving, and attentive. However, as the relationship progressed and the interest in conquering disappeared, something changed.

The narcissist must be the best of all. He is constantly improving. Once you get bored of something, the situation changes.

8. He behaves like a real hero

Because he feels superior, the narcissistic partner builds an idealized image of himself. He often presents himself as a hero, a remarkable person and superior to those around him. For this reason, the narcissistic partner strongly believes that you mean nothing without him.

9. Some narcissists fall victim

One way in which people with narcissistic personality disorder try to attract attention is victimization. These will make you forget about your needs and focus on them. This is their goal from the beginning.

However, this can happen at any time. A narcissist can make you feel guilty about the way you treat him if you don’t do everything the way he wants.

10. It is manipulative

For narcissists, other people are nothing more than a means of meeting their needs. For example, they may choose a partner who is physically attractive or wealthy just to appear superior to others or to ensure that their needs are constantly met.

What to do if you have a narcissistic partner

  • Recognize that the narcissist in your life needs help. If you want to keep your relationship, you have to understand that, deep down, narcissists are insecure people with low self-esteem.
  • Encourage him to go to therapy. Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition that can severely damage a person’s quality of life and the quality of life of those around them. Psychological therapy is the best way to help your narcissistic partner repair the wounds that cause the disorder and, therefore, to treat it or prevent further problems.
  • You go to therapy too. In addition to encouraging your narcissistic partner to go to therapy, if you want to stay in a relationship with him, you must also get help. In therapy, you can learn how to take more care of yourself in your relationship with your partner.
  • Be focused. Although the narcissist tries to make you believe that his goals are more important, don’t forget that you also have your own desires. Do not be fooled and do not forget that you have your own personality, needs, goals and dreams.


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