Smoothie With Pineapple And Celery For Weight Loss

Both pineapple and celery have diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. Combined, these two ingredients stimulate weight loss and maintain the body’s health.
Smoothie with pineapple and celery for weight loss

The next smoothie with pineapple and celery is easy to prepare, very filling and a real weight loss aid due to its purifying and medicinal properties.

But don’t forget that the next pineapple and celery smoothie can’t help you lose weight on your own. This is a dietary supplement that facilitates weight loss, but to lose weight it is essential to adopt a healthy, varied and balanced diet and exercise.

Are you ready to find out more? In the following we will explain how to prepare the smoothie for weight loss and what benefits it offers you.

Smoothie with pineapple and celery for weight loss

We often feel overwhelmed by all the information about various “miracle diets” that help us lose weight like magic. Take into account the following aspects:

  • Each person’s body is different and has a unique metabolism and needs. This means that you will not be able to lose weight unless you know the specific needs of your body.
  • Losing weight does not mean starving yourself. You need to eat properly to avoid anxiety, take into account the natural rhythm of your body and exercise a lot.
  • To lose weight, you need to be motivated. It is advisable to follow a diet with some friends, so that you feel that those around you support you.
  • The next smoothie with pineapple and celery is an excellent option for breakfast or lunch and a stimulant for weight loss.
  • You have to be consistent. Only after 15-20 days after you start drinking this smoothie with pineapple and celery will you start to notice the desired results.
This smoothie with pineapple and celery helps you lose weight


Pineapple and weight loss

Pineapple is one of the most popular fruits among those who want to lose weight, but want to satisfy their “sweet appetite”.

  • The taste of pineapple (sweet but also sour) allows this fruit to be combined with almost any other ingredient. Pineapple is the king of smoothies, natural juices and salads.
  • Nutritionists advise us to combine this fruit with other healthy and filling foods, such as spinach, nuts and salmon.
  • Pineapple contains a digestive enzyme called bromelain, which facilitates the digestion of proteins and their conversion into amino acids.
  • To get the most out of the benefits of pineapple, we need to eat this fruit on an empty stomach to take full advantage of its anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Combined with bromelain, the high content of water, vitamin C, antioxidants and minerals in pineapple facilitates the breakdown and elimination of fat stored in the body.

Celery, the best diuretic and anti-inflammatory food available

Do you grow celery in your garden? If the answer to this question is “yes”, find out that you have an excellent source of health. According to the journal Medical News Today ( Medical News Today ), celery is one of the most beneficial vegetables for heart health and weight loss.

  • Celery is rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants, these elements facilitate digestion, cleanse the body and stimulate the absorption of nutrients.
  • Some people serve celery between meals to satisfy their appetite. This vegetable keeps blood pressure under control and provides the body with a significant amount of dietary fiber.
  • Like pineapple, celery can be combined with many other foods. In addition to the following smoothie with pineapple and celery, you can combine the latter ingredient with apples and cucumbers to prepare another delicious drink.
  • When it comes to smoothies, celery is one of the most versatile foods available. It is very invigorating, has a special taste and helps you start your day with extra vitamins and minerals.

How to prepare this smoothie with pineapple and celery that is effective for weight loss?

This smoothie with pineapple and celery is a very healthy drink



  • 2 cups (400 ml) of water
  • 2 cups (300 g) of fresh pineapple
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • The juice obtained from half a lemon
  • 1 tablespoon (25 g) of honey

Method of preparation:

  • The ingredients presented above are enough to prepare two glasses of smoothie with pineapple and celery. The first glass should be consumed on an empty stomach in the morning and the second at noon.
  • Try to buy organic pineapple and celery. This is the only way to be sure that these two ingredients offer you maximum benefits.
  • The first step is to cut the pineapple into slices, until you manage to fill two cups, then wash and slice the celery. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and you’re done with the first phase.
  • The second step involves putting all the mentioned ingredients (the two cups of water, the pineapple, the celery, the lemon juice and the spoon of honey) into a food processor. Process for a few seconds, until you get a homogeneous liquid.

Now the smoothie is ready. We hope it will help you achieve your dream figure. Good appetite!

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