6 Natural Remedies For Throat Infections

Did you know that gargling with salt water or baking soda is an effective solution to relieve sore throats? Both remedies reduce inflammation and can kill microbes and bacteria.
6 natural remedies for throat infections

Throat infections are a problem that most of us face at some point. They cause us terrible pain when we try to swallow or simply breathe and make our daily lives much more unpleasant. But don’t worry: there are many natural remedies for sore throats, and many of them are simple and very affordable. Read on!

Natural remedies for sore throats

Natural remedies for throat infections in women

Sometimes  throat infections affect us when the season changes. Sometimes the air conditioning can dry our throats, which aggravates any pain. Whatever their cause, throat infections should not be ignored in any way.

Throat infections can be bacterial or viral in origin or can be the result of an injury. Some infections are serious and may require antibiotic treatment. Others do not require any treatment other than a few days of rest.

Keep in mind that from time to time, our immune system may be weakened, which means that we will be less protected against infections and certain conditions. That’s why we need to make sure we have a proper diet.

If you already have a sore throat, try one of the following remedies:

1. Thyme, honey and lemon tea

Natural remedies for sore throats such as thyme tea

Combined, these three ingredients create a wonderful medicinal blend that you can drink throughout the day. Thyme, for example, is a very strong antiseptic, effective against microbes, and honey supports healing, reduces inflammation and soothes the throat.


  • Mix two tablespoons of fresh thyme with a liter of boiling water.
  • Add the juice of a lemon and its peeled peel.
  • Boil these ingredients for ten minutes.
  • Take the kettle off the heat and wait another ten minutes before straining the tea.
  • Drink this tea with two tablespoons of honey during the day.

2. Gargle with salt water

Natural remedies for throat infections such as gargling with salt water

Dilute a tablespoon of salt in 250 ml of water. Gargle with this mixture once an hour, but be careful not to swallow it. Simply let the liquid touch the back of your neck for a few seconds, then spit it out.

Instead of salt you can use a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar or even baking soda. All three of these ingredients reduce inflammation, kill any germs and are among the most useful natural remedies for throat infections.

3. Garlic (the best natural antibiotic)

Garlic on the list of natural remedies for sore throats

We all know that garlic is the best natural antibiotic. It can be easily purchased, is effective and healthy and causes virtually no side effects. Why not try it next time your throat hurts? Here’s what you need to do:

  • Crush a clove of garlic, dilute it in half a cup of water, then drink the mixture.
  • You can follow this treatment twice a day. Yes, your breath will smell of garlic, but you will recover faster!

4. Compresses with chamomile tea

Natural remedies for throat infections such as chamomile compresses

Chamomile tea treatment involves applying damp compresses to the throat to reduce inflammation. Follow these steps:

  • Put three tablespoons of chamomile in a cup of boiled water and let it all infuse.
  • Strain the tea into a bowl. Soak a towel or cloth in the tea obtained, then apply a compress on your neck.
  • Repeat this procedure each time the compress cools down. Ideally, hold the compress on your neck for 20 minutes.

5. Green tea and turmeric

Green tea on the list of natural remedies for throat infections

This is one of the simplest and most effective natural remedies for sore throats. The combination of green tea and turmeric can reduce inflammation and help you recover immediately.

Make yourself a green tea as usual and, as soon as it starts to boil, add half a teaspoon of ground turmeric. Let the mixture infuse for five minutes, then sweeten it with a little honey and drink it.

6. Rest

Rest on the list of the best natural remedies for throat infections

Your body is fighting an infection, and to help it, you’ll need to protect your natural defense mechanisms — specifically, you’ll need to rest, even if it means sleeping a few extra hours.

If you are sick, you should sleep about 10-11 hours a day, so do not hesitate to take a nap during the day and try to sleep as much as possible at night. You need time to recover, but little by little, your neck pain will go away.

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