Alkaline Foods Help Prevent Cancer

Did you know that the development of cancer is closely linked to the body’s pH? If it is too acidic, the risk of suffering from some form of this disease increases. Therefore, it is advisable to eat more alkaline foods. In today’s article we present all the relevant information!
Alkaline foods help prevent cancer

The number of cancer patients is worrying. You probably know more people affected by this disease. It is not at all surprising that the leading cause of death globally is cancer. One of the most important factors that cause cancer is our diet. In the following we invite you to discover the relationship between alkaline foods and cancer prevention.

What are alkaline foods and how do they help prevent cancer?

Before we show you how it will improve your health, it is important to understand what an “alkaline diet” entails. This type of diet is based on foods that increase blood pH, creating an alkaline environment unfavorable to the development of cancer cells.

Following an alkaline diet means eating more alkaline foods than acidic foods and opting for healthier ways to cook. For example, raw or steamed foods are more beneficial than fried foods.

What foods are alkaline?

If you want to avoid cancer, as well as many other diseases, and feel healthy, it is essential to eat alkaline foods. Here are the most important products that fall into this category:

Raw vegetables

Among the alkaline foods we find vegetables

Although certain vegetables are inherently acidic, as soon as they enter the body, they become alkaline. In order to take advantage of all the nutrients in their composition, it is advisable to consume them raw. Many vegetables lose their beneficial properties if cooked at high temperatures or in hot water.

So, don’t hesitate to serve the following vegetables if you want to avoid cancer:

  • Asparagus
  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage fodder
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Eggplants
  • Garlic
  • chive
  • Onion
  • Celery
  • Cucumber
  • Pepper
  • Carrot
  • Lettuce
  • endive
  • Watercress
  • Beet


Among the alkaline foods we find fruits

The fruits have incredible alkaline powers, including those with a low pH such as citrus. You can serve fruit for breakfast or as a dessert. They provide significant amounts of vitamins and keep cancer at bay. The most beneficial fruits are:

  • The apples
  • Apricots
  • Avocado
  • Bananas
  • Berries, blackberries, cherries
  • Watermelon
  • Coconut
  • Dried fruits

All the fruits mentioned above offer beneficial fatty acids and have the ability to reduce the body’s pH. There are many myths about dried fruit because of its high calorie content. In fact, they are ideal for preventing heart disease and, being very satiating, support weight loss.

Canary millet

Among the alkaline foods we find canary millet

Canary millet is the only whole grain that is considered to be 100% alkaline. This does not mean that other cereals are harmful to health, but millet is the best option if you want to change your body’s pH.

To take advantage of this benefit of millet, consume it after soaking it in water and cooking it. Include it in sandwiches or use it as a filling for various dishes.


This food is produced by bees if they are also part of alkaline foods. Moreover, honey falls into the category of natural antibiotics, which should not be missing from our medicine cabinet. Use it to sweeten the teas or desserts you serve or consume on your own when you have a cold or flu.


Among the alkaline foods we find those that contain chlorophyll

This green vegetable juice is rich in enzymes and nutrients that are worth taking advantage of. Aloe vera gel is one of the most famous and popular forms of chlorophyll, but we also have other options. You can, for example, extract the juice of wheatgrass and dilute it with water. Serve the drink obtained in the early hours of the morning.

An alkaline diet to prevent cancer

I’ve already shown you the main alkaline foods, but I still haven’t explained how they help you avoid cancer. First, remember that the body’s cells need glucose and oxygen to survive and perform their functions.

When you do not meet the needs of your cells, they become weakened and your risk of getting sick increases. Also, when the body is too acidic, the immune system becomes weak and can no longer provide protection against pathogens.

Alkaline foods help prevent cancer

A pH of 7.4 is beneficial for cancer-inducing cells. But if the pH rises to 8.4, an alkaline value, these cells die immediately. On the other hand, a very acidic pH supports their proliferation.

Alkaline foods increase the body’s pH and reduce the ability of malignant cells to grow and survive. By strengthening your immune system, beneficial cells receive the oxygen they need to eliminate toxins.

When tissues and organs are excessively acidic, they do not receive enough oxygen, creating an environment conducive to the development of cancer. Alkaline media support the development of beneficial cells and, since it is not overloaded with toxins, the proper functioning of the immune system.

Alkaline foods help strengthen the immune system

Alkaline foods are part of a healthy and balanced diet. Such a diet has additional benefits, such as lowering cholesterol, fighting obesity and preventing heart disease.

Foods to avoid in the alkaline diet

  • Dairy products (butter, milk, cheese)
  • Meat (red, pork, veal, chicken)
  • Seafood and oysters
  • Certain dried fruits (cashews, hazelnuts, pistachios)
  • Refined flour (including from cookies and pastries)
  • Sauces (tomato, soy, mustard, mayonnaise and vinegar)

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