Causes Of Dislocation Of The Temporomandibular Joint

Dislocation of the temporomandibular joint is a rare but painful condition. Do you know what its causes and possible treatments are?
Causes of dislocation of the temporomandibular joint

Have you ever experienced temporomandibular joint dislocation? The jaw is held in place by several tendons and ligaments. Sometimes they can fail to fulfill their role. Read on to discover the causes of temporomandibular joint dislocation!

This condition occurs when one of the components of the joint, called the condyle, separates from its surface and moves over the temporal bone. It is very common for this displacement to occur to the anterior plane of the joint. However, the component can move in any direction.

Causes of dislocation of the temporomandibular joint

Before discussing the causes of temporomandibular joint dislocation, it is important to remember that this is a less common pathology. In fact, several studies claim that this problem represents only 3% of the total number of dislocations. This is the main reason why there are so many disagreements about its root cause.

The causes differ depending on the type of dislocation. The most common cause of acute dislocation is trauma. In this sense, situations involving a direct blow in this region could trigger the dislocation of the jaw.

However, we must not rule out the fact that this dislocation can occur spontaneously. Thus, it can occur in various situations that involve excessive opening of the mouth or keeping it in this position for a long time. E.g:

  • the
  • Laugh
  • they
  • Dental treatments

Another type of dislocation of the temporomandibular joint is chronic recurrent dislocation. This is defined as a constant variation over time and involves wear and tear on the components of the joint. In this case, the most common causes of jaw dislocation are spontaneous.

Similarly, the jaw can be easily dislocated in people with bruxism or psychiatric disorders, due to the constant stress to which the joint is subjected.

Man affected by dislocation of the temporomandibular joint
Joint pain and click are the most obvious signs of dislocation.

How do you recognize the dislocation of the temporomandibular joint?

People with this injury often have sudden pain in the jaw region, such as a stab that limits movement. In addition, the joint locks when they try to move it.

In short, the two main symptoms are pain and joint clicks. You can also see the deviation of the jaw, either towards the healthy parts or forward.

Many patients report that they do not have the ability to close their mouth or perform dental occlusion. However, these symptoms may vary. In fact, they progress considerably in some patients for several months before they feel discomfort.

The specialist must analyze all the elements of the medical history to establish an appropriate diagnosis. In this regard, he must investigate the characteristics of the pain and perform a meticulous physical examination of the joint. An X-ray is often needed as a method of confirming the diagnosis.

What is the treatment?

Physiotherapist treating the causes of temporomandibular dislocation
Jaw dislocation can be treated with physical therapy in some patients.

What to do in case of dislocation of the temporomandibular joint?

This condition is not serious, but it can be quite annoying and can decrease the quality of life, because it is difficult to continue your usual routine. So, the first thing you need to do is consult a healthcare professional if you suspect you have a dislocated jaw.

The above-mentioned maneuvers and appropriate treatment with analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are the only ways to reverse the problem. If you suffer from a recurrent condition, go to the same doctor so that he is familiar with your case and can recommend the best treatment options.

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