Bleach Towels With 5 Simple And Cheap Methods

When white towels start to turn yellow due to prolonged use, use these simple tricks to whiten them naturally. 
Bleach towels with 5 simple and cheap methods

Cloths and towels are very useful in the household, not only to wipe our body, but also to clean up spills in various places in the house. Here are some quick and inexpensive ways to whiten towels.

Over time, towels and rags stain and lose their original color, even if we wash them repeatedly.

Food, perspiration, dead cells or other types of dirt stain the materials of these objects and give them an unpleasant appearance that causes you to throw them away.

As we already know, there are various products on the market for cleaning stains that make towels and cloths look much better. In this way, they stay in good condition for longer.

Most of these products are expensive and contain chemicals, but we also have natural alternatives that are cheaper and just as effective. 

In this article we present you some simple and useful tricks to whiten towels with ingredients that you have at home.


1. Bleach the towels with sodium silicate

Sodium silicate whitens towels

Sodium silicate or glass water is an inorganic product used in the preparation of detergent powder or other cleaning products.

In this case, we suggest you mix a small amount of sodium silicate with some liquid dishwashing detergent. In this way, you whiten the towels, making them soft and clean.


  • 2 liters of water
  • 2 tablespoons liquid dishwashing detergent (20 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon sodium silicate (10 g)


  • First, put on a mask and some protective gloves, then heat the two liters of water in which you added the sodium silicate and the dishwashing detergent.
  • When the mixture boils, put the towels in it. Let them boil for about 20 minutes for effective whitening.
  • Finally, rinse the towels with warm water and let them dry naturally.

2. White vinegar

White vinegar is a 100% organic product. It not only cleans and disinfects various surfaces, but also removes stains and softens fabrics. 

It is an ideal product to use if you want to whiten towels, as it keeps them fluffy and absorbent and removes mold and unpleasant odors imprinted on the fabric.


  • ½ cup of white vinegar (125 ml)
  • ¼ cup of laundry detergent (62 ml)


  • Add half a cup of white vinegar and a quarter cup of laundry detergent to the main drawer of the washing machine for each towel you want to bleach.
  • Select the cold water wash cycle and start the machine. Finally, dry the towels.
  • For more difficult stains, apply white vinegar directly to the affected area and let the towel soak before washing.

3. Baking soda

Bleach the towels with baking soda

Baking soda keeps towels soft and removes stains. This product has disinfectant and antifungal properties that eliminate bacteria accumulated in the material during the week. These properties neutralize unpleasant odors and thoroughly clean towels.


  • ¼ cup of baking soda (62 g)
  • Hot water (as needed)


  • Heat the amount of water you think is necessary and add a quarter cup of baking soda for each towel you wash.
  • Let the towels soak in this mixture for 60 minutes, then put them in the washing machine for a normal wash cycle.
  • If there are some difficult stains, moisten a tablespoon of baking soda with some lemon juice and use it to directly rub the affected area.

4. Sunflower oil

Indeed, sunflower oil is… oily. That’s why we think it stains fabrics. In reality, if you combine it with laundry detergent and powder bleach, you whiten the white towels and keep them immaculate.


  • Water (as much as you think is needed)
  • 2 tablespoons sunflower oil (30 g)
  • 2 tablespoons bleach powder (20 g)
  • ½ spoon of ecological laundry detergent


  • Boil the water and add the sunflower oil, powder bleach and laundry detergent.
  • Soak the towel you want to bleach and let it sit in this mixture for a few hours.
  • Finally, rinse it by hand or in the washing machine.

5. Ammonia and vinegar

Bleach the towels with ammonia and vinegar

The mixture of ammonia and vinegar added to the rinsing cycle leaves your towels clean, soft and free of unpleasant odors.

Ammonia is used to clean fabrics, preventing laundry detergent from adhering to the fibers in the fabric.

In addition, white vinegar disinfects the towel, softens it and gives it a pleasant and fresh smell.


  • ½ cup of white vinegar (125 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon ammonia (10 ml)


  • Put the apple cider vinegar in the detergent drawer in the washing machine, then pour the ammonia.
  • Don’t forget to wear protective gloves when handling these products.
  • Allow the towels to go through a normal wash cycle. At the end, you will notice that I am bright white.

Don’t you want to try these tricks too? Choose the one that caught your attention in a special way. These methods of whitening towels help you save the money you spent on commercial products that contain aggressive chemicals. Opt for natural and convenient alternatives!

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