Vegetable Milk Recipes Suitable As Snacks

Vegetable drinks are healthy options to serve a delicious snack at any time. You can add them to coffee, shakes or even vegetable soups.
Vegetable milk recipes suitable as snacks

It is possible that the afternoon will be the part of the day when you feel that you are most hungry or craving something good. It is difficult not to follow your impulse and not to satisfy these unstoppable desires. But there are also healthy options to satisfy these urges that appear after midday, before dinner. In the following, we present you the most delicious vegetable milk recipes suitable as snacks between meals.

There are options specially created for vegetarians, vegans or those suffering from lactose intolerance. You will see that it is possible to serve healthy snacks in the middle of the day without fear of gaining weight. These are suitable for everyone.

Some of the ingredients used in these vegetable milk recipes are oats, soy, almonds and coconut. They contain large amounts of beneficial nutrients, and the resulting milk is similar in taste to cow’s milk.

In addition, you can enjoy more flavors depending on the ingredients used. For example, coconut milk is suitable in tropical-flavored blends, while oat milk is ideal for adding to afternoon coffee. What makes these recipes really special is that they are nutritious enough to be considered a snack in themselves.

Vegetable milk recipes suitable as snacks

1. Almond milk

Vegetable milk recipes with almonds

Almond milk is one of the best variants of vegetable milk that can be used as a snack between meals. It is tasty, not expensive and easy to find or prepare. You can buy it from organic stores, health food stores or hypermarkets.

But be sure to check the product label. Almond milk should not contain sugar or artificial sweeteners if you are trying to follow a healthy and balanced diet.

Necessary ingredients

  • 1 cup almonds
  • 4 seedless dates
  • 2 cups water (500 ml)

Method of preparation

  • Keep in mind that the preparation of this vegetable milk recipe should start the night before.
  • Put the soaked almonds in a large bowl filled with water.
  • The night before, you will need to remove the almond peel and wash it well of impurities.
  • Then use a blender or chopper to mix the almonds, dates and water for about 2 minutes.
  • After that, strain the liquid obtained through a sterile gauze or a large sieve to separate the fibers.
  • Finally, store the milk obtained in a glass bottle and keep it in the refrigerator.

2. Vegetable oat milk

Oat vegetable milk recipes

This drink is often used in the preparation of vegan recipes, especially cakes . Oat milk has a neutral flavor and can be successfully added to coffee, soups or smoothies.

Necessary ingredients

  • 1 cup oatmeal
  • 5 dates with the seeds removed
  • 3 cups water (750 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons vanilla extract (30 ml)

Method of preparation

  • Let the oatmeal soak in a bowl overnight.
  • The next morning, blend them with the rest of the ingredients for 2 minutes or until you get a smooth mixture.
  • Let everything sit for an hour for the flavors to blend.
  • At the end, strain the mixture obtained at least three times to obtain oat milk. Removes all solids left in the milk.

3. Banana milk

Banana smoothie


We often use bananas to make smoothies or milkshakes based on animal milk. But this fruit is also perfect for preparing vegetable milk recipes. Bananas will give a delicious flavor to these dishes.


  • 2 bananas (650 g)
  • 2 cups water (500 ml)
  • 4 dates cleaned of seeds
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (15 ml)
  • 1 cup ice (120 g) (optional if you want your drink to contain ice flakes)

Method of preparation

  • This time, you won’t need to let anything soak overnight. This delicious drink is prepared very quickly.
  • First, peel and slice the bananas.
  • Then put all the ingredients in a blender or use an electric mixer to mix them well.
  • Don’t forget to add ice (if you want) and use the blender’s ice cube function.
  • At the end, serve the drink or store it in the refrigerator for later consumption.

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