15 Psychological Techniques To Quit Smoking

To quit smoking, you need to avoid risky situations that can make you resume your addiction. You need to be strong and focused at all times. Remember: smoking now belongs to the past, and the fact that you quit it is a great achievement. 
15 psychological techniques to quit smoking

There is always a good time to quit smoking. This habit is harmful and you must eliminate it from your life before your body gives you the first alarm signal, the first problem or the first scare.

If you’ve tried all the methods you’ve heard of, you’ve probably stopped believing in miraculous remedies. Even if they promise to be the best solution for quitting smoking, these techniques do not work for you.

It is important to note that in the case of addictions, we can not talk about magic recipes. There is no one-size-fits-all method.

Each person is unique. Habits, needs and other personal nuances will reveal the ideal remedy for you. You can try several methods that suit your situation and personality.

Either way, to quit smoking, you need willpower and perseverance. In addition, you may find that certain psychological strategies can be very helpful.

From the following list, choose the techniques that you consider appropriate for you, try them and integrate them into your daily routine. Turn them into the key to success and let them open the door to a better and healthier life.

Strategies for quitting smoking for each of the three stages

During the smoking cessation process, the individual in question goes through three important steps:

  • Preparation is the stage in which the strong intention to quit smoking is manifested.
  • Abandonment. Abstinence causes tension, doubts and can cause you to resume your addiction. This phase is the most critical.
  • The last step is maintenance. It is vital to make sure that the new lifestyle is maintained for a long time and to prevent “relapses”.

Once you know what these steps are, you know what to expect at all times and how to proceed. Therefore, it is important to know the next steps to complete the mission.

Tips for the preparation stage

Yoga to quit smoking easier

Smoking is a habit with social origins. It is based on a number of psychological factors. At the same time, we are talking about the physiological dependence on nicotine. In view of all these aspects, in the initial phase you must take into account the following tips:

Reduce social factors and keep cigarettes out of reach

1. Make a list of situations and times when you have the opportunity to smoke.

2. The idea is not to have tobacco on hand at those crucial times.

  • For example, I know that after I wake up I feel a strong need to smoke a cigarette. That’s why I make sure I have a gum or candy on hand.

Reduce psychological factors

3. One of the best psychological techniques to quit smoking is self-perception. Now you have to consider yourself a “non-smoker.”

4. Instead of telling those around you that you want to quit smoking, simply tell them not to smoke.

5. If you focus on the process itself (“I quit smoking”), you may have doubts and moments of balance. You have to think of yourself as you would like to be: non-smoker.

Tips for the critical stage: “possible abandonment”

Stimulus to quit smoking

You are now in the critical phase. Are you sure you want to quit smoking? But the physical and mental dependence is so strong that you face very difficult moments.

Controlling social factors and access to tobacco

6. Certain places and daily habits automatically trigger your need to smoke. You face this situation when you go to the cafe, the gym or when you meet friends.

7. It is important to change these scenarios and create other habits.

8. Enroll in meditation, yoga, dance, swimming or painting classes.

  • You need to provide new stimuli to the brain to distract it. At the same time, you participate in healthy and useful activities that help you control your emotions. You can fight anxiety through breathing, concentration and progressive relaxation.

9. Identify risky situations and think of ways to deal with them through positive self-instruction.

10. Look at yourself as an efficient person with an iron will.

Reduce nicotine addiction

11. It is recommended to give up your favorite cigarettes and opt for an assortment with less nicotine. This process should take two weeks.

Maintenance stage

You managed. At least for now. It is important to know that if even 5 months have passed since you stopped smoking, you have not yet reached the stage of maintenance. After this interval, there is still the risk of resuming the habit.

The desire to smoke, as well as the symptoms of tobacco addiction persist. These include headaches, mood swings, anxiety and more.

It is not easy. In fact, some people need to control their psychological factors and access to tobacco even a year after quitting.

However, after 6 months of abstinence, you reach the stage where you just have to maintain your healthy habits. In this regard, we recommend that you follow these steps:

12. Don’t lose sight of the reasons why you wanted to quit smoking. 

13. Appreciate the effort made so far and your iron will. Also take into account how you feel now. You are well and you are motivated to avoid the harmful habit you have given up.

14. Focus on the beneficial activities you have resorted to to quit smoking: sports, yoga, etc.

15. One last recommendation would be to share these strategies with other people around you who want to quit. In this way, you strengthen your motivation and feel proud of yourself.

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