8 Important Information About Cataracts

Since cataracts are not only characteristic of a certain age, it is important to always take care of your eyes and to have an ophthalmological consultation every year to detect any eye problems in time. Find out more in today’s article!
8 important information about cataracts

It is good to know some important information about cataracts. Many people associate this condition with “eye problems” and “old age.” This is not surprising, given that half of people over the age of 80 develop cataracts. But there are other issues that need to be considered.

Did you know that at the age of 40 you can begin to notice the first symptoms of cataracts? At 60, vision is most affected. If you are approaching the age of 40 or have already passed this threshold, you should read today’s article to find out some important information about cataracts.

1. Cataracts do not form on the eyes

One of the first important information about cataracts is that they do not form on the eyes. Many people associate this problem with a thin layer located above the lens.

In reality, cataracts form inside the eye, and vision problems occur when the proteins that normally compress the lens deteriorate.  This process is not painful at all and you will not notice the effects until after a few months or even after a few years, when surgery is already necessary.

2. Important information about cataracts: age is not a risk factor

Babies can also have cataracts

Another important thing to know about cataracts is that age is not a factor in causing it. Even though the elderly are generally the most affected, anyone can develop this problem.

The most prone are people who:

  • They underwent eye surgery;
  • They have glaucoma;
  • They are exposed to sunlight without wearing protective lenses.

There are also cases of congenital cataracts or babies born with this condition. The cause may be an infection or developmental problems caused by nutritional deficiencies during pregnancy.

3. Cataract symptoms

Although the cataract has a very slow evolution, if you are careful, you can recognize certain symptoms from the early stages. These are:

  • Blurred or blurred vision
  • Loss of peripheral vision – it becomes increasingly difficult to see objects that are not right in front of you. 
  • Problems in distinguishing colors
  • Problems with night vision
  • Double view
  • Sudden diopter changes

4. Cataracts can affect only one eye

The list of important information about cataracts also includes the fact that this problem can affect only one eye. Bilateral cataract is more common, but it is possible that the condition is manifested only on one side.

Cataracts can develop in one eye when you have suffered a trauma, for example. That is why, if an incident has occurred that has affected your eyes or the area around them, it is advisable to go to an ophthalmologist. 

You may not feel anything at the moment of impact. In fact, it may take years before you notice that you suddenly can’t see well.

5. Sight is affected in various ways

Cataracts are generally thought to cause some vision problems. In reality, there are patients who see perfectly, but the strong light affects them more than other people. Other people may have difficulty in the evening or when the light is dim, but in natural light they see very well.

Given the facts mentioned, we can conclude that cataracts can indeed affect each person differently.

6. Surgery is not always necessary

Surgery is not necessarily necessary to treat cataracts

People diagnosed with cataracts may resort to less invasive treatments. It can be many years before surgery is needed, and this does not affect you in any way.

It is important to talk to your doctor to assess the severity of the problems you are currently experiencing as a result of cataracts and how they affect your daily life. Based on the conclusions formulated, you can make the best decision for yourself.

You may find that you only need a few medications and regular visits to your ophthalmologist.

7. Cataract surgery is a frequent and safe intervention

It is normal to be afraid or panic when the doctor tells you that you have cataracts and that the optimal solution in your case would be surgery. If you find yourself in this situation and have some doubts, find out that cataract surgery is one of the most common and safest procedures. 

Currently, the success rate of cataract surgery is 96%, which means that it is one of the safest medical interventions. All that is needed is local anesthesia and a small incision. Suturing is not necessary.

The surgeon will remove the natural lens of the eye (lens), clean the accumulated residue and implant a new lens. The procedure takes between 15 and 20 minutes, and in a few hours you will be discharged.

After the operation, you will have to wear a bandage over your eyes and you will not be allowed to run or put too much physical effort in the next two weeks.

You will notice that your vision has improved the very day after the operation, and after four weeks, you will completely recover your normal vision. You will see better than ever!

8. The best way to prevent cataracts is to see an ophthalmologist

Your ophthalmologist can give you more important information about cataracts

We cannot conclude the list of important information about cataracts without mentioning a way to avoid this condition. The best way to prevent cataracts and other vision problems is to see an eye doctor at least once a year.

During the consultation, you can mention if you had one or more of the symptoms listed above. The doctor will tell you if you have another problem or if you suffer from cataracts and will give you recommendations in order to stop the evolution of the disease.

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