The Amazing Benefits Of Horsetail Consumption

The ponytail is noted for its ability to combat water retention and its rich silicon content, which maintains the health of the skin, hair and nails. 
The amazing benefits of ponytail consumption

Horsetail is a medicinal plant with many health benefits. You can use it as a treatment for various ailments or as a supplement for remineralizing the body. Discover the wonderful benefits of horsetail consumption in this article.


The horsetail ( Equisetum arvense ) received its name due to its characteristic appearance. This plant is located near water sources because it needs a lot of moisture. In Europe, including in our country, the ponytail is easy to find in many areas.

Benefits of horsetail consumption due to nutrient content

Horsetail stem is a traditional natural remedy, being used to treat a wide range of ailments. It is notable for its rich content of nutrients, including vitamin C, silicon, potassium, magnesium, saponins, flavonoids and tannins.

However, horsetail is mainly used as a diuretic remedy. Other treatments and medicines with the same effect run the risk of losing an excessive amount of minerals in the urine. But the ponytail counterbalances this effect by the considerable intake of minerals it provides at the same time, replacing the lost ones.

Benefits of ponytail consumption


Health benefits of horsetail consumption

The many benefits of horsetail consumption recommend this plant as one of the best therapeutic remedies:

  • Having diuretic properties, horsetail reduces swelling and combats water retention. These benefits are due to the content of potassium and flavonoids, which also help reduce inflammation.
  • Also thanks to the flavonoids in its composition, horsetail has antioxidant effects. Thus, this payment fights free radicals, preventing premature aging internally and externally.
  • As it remineralizes the body, horsetail is recommended in times of fatigue, recovery or convalescence, being an excellent option for athletes.
  • At the same time, one of the incredible benefits of horsetail consumption is wound healing. In addition, this plant accelerates the healing of bone fractures and dislocations.
  • Horsetail also reduces uric acid levels and prevents gout.
  • At the same time, this plant prevents diseases of the urinary tract, such as cystitis and kidney stones.

No, the list doesn’t end here. There are other benefits of horsetail consumption, due to lesser known properties of this plant:

  • Horsetail has antiseptic properties.
  • This plant fights diarrhea in cases of indigestion, gastroenteritis or digestive viruses.
  • On the list of the wonderful benefits of horsetail consumption is the prevention of iron deficiency anemia .
  • This natural remedy also treats oral problems such as gingivitis and canker sores.
  • At the same time, the ponytail fights hemorrhages, both internal and external. This should be taken into account by women during menstruation.
  • We have already seen that many benefits of horsetail consumption are due to its flavonoid content. One of these is the strengthening of the immune system.
  • In addition, horsetail fights fungal infections. 


Benefits of ponytail consumption for hair

In addition to medicinal uses, horsetail is used, both internally and externally, for beauty. Some companies add extract of this plant in cosmetics in the desire to capitalize on its extraordinary properties for:

  • Skin: Horsetail infusion or extract is an excellent facial tonic lotion because it strengthens the structure of the skin, preventing wrinkles. In addition, this remedy gives elasticity to the skin, preventing the appearance of stretch marks.
  • Hair:   Applied to the hair ornament, horsetail helps to treat several problems, such as hair loss, premature bleaching, split ends or dandruff. In addition, the consumption of this plant orally helps to strengthen hair.
  • Nails:  The ponytail also helps to strengthen fragile nails, which break easily.

How to eat horsetail?

Oddly enough, in ancient times, horsetail stalks were eaten like asparagus. Currently, the buds of this plant are consumed in the spring in some Asian countries, such as Japan. However, in general, horsetail is used for medicinal purposes as:

  • Infusion
  • Supplement: extract, capsules or tablets
  • poultice
  • Spa

It is not advisable to follow a long-lasting horsetail treatment, but only for a maximum of 3-4 weeks, with breaks. You can also consume this remedy if needed, to combat an acute condition, such as swelling or fatigue.

At the same time, consumption of horsetail is not recommended for pregnant women or people suffering from gastritis.

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