Relieves Colitis With 6 Natural Remedies

Did you know that carrots are one of the most effective remedies for colitis? This vegetable is rich in fiber and anti-inflammatory compounds that relieve pain and prevent the feeling of weakness. Read on and remember!
Relieves colitis with 6 natural remedies

Colitis is a disease caused by inflammation of the large intestine and rectum. Basically, the mucosa lining this region undergoes certain changes. As a result, there is a chain of adverse reactions, including severe pain and diarrhea. In today’s article we present 6 of the best remedies that relieve colitis.

Although colitis occurs sporadically and is subtle, many people end up going to the doctor, this disease being chronic and recurrent. It is estimated that at least 60% of patients with colitis are women. Most of the affected people are under 40 years old.

So far, specialists have not been able to identify an exact cause for the onset of colitis. However, they suspect that factors such as eating habits, genetic inheritance and certain medications may be to blame.

The good news is that we have many natural remedies that relieve colitis and do not cause unwanted side effects. With their help, we can prevent the symptoms experienced before the onset of complications.

6 natural remedies that relieve colitis

1. Natural yogurt

Among other things, natural yogurt helps you fight colitis

Yogurt is one of the most effective remedies for relieving colitis. This product fortifies the intestines with beneficial bacteria that regulate intestinal pH. Beneficial bacteria stimulate the production of lactic acid, an essential substance for optimal elimination of harmful toxins that can attack this region of the body.

Due to these benefits, natural yogurt has a positive effect on the immune system. Its beneficial bacteria attack infectious agents that can enter the body.


  • Consume a cup of natural yogurt every day.
  • Include natural yogurt in fruit and vegetable smoothies.

2. Potato juice

The alkaline power of potatoes is very effective in combating ulcerative colitis and diarrhea. This vegetable is rich in starch and natural fibers that improve intestinal activity, controlling colonic irritations. Potato juice relieves colitis and reduces the accumulation of intestinal gas.


  • Grate a raw potato, strain it and drink the juice obtained.
  • Serve this drink 2-3 times a day.

3. Rice water

And rice water helps you treat colitis

Rice water, which is prepared with unseasoned rice, is a probiotic remedy that regulates the natural pH of the intestines. The starch in its composition can reduce irritation of the colon. As the level of healthy bacteria increases, rice water relieves symptoms such as dyspepsia and intestinal gas.

At the same time, being rich in vitamins and minerals, rice water can help you restore the level of nutrients lost due to diarrhea.


  • Boil two tablespoons of rice in a pot of water. As soon as it reaches the boiling point, take the pot off the heat and let the mixture sit.
  • After it has cooled enough, strain the mixture and drink 1-2 glasses of the drink obtained every day.

4. Flax seed water

Flax seeds contain natural fibers and are very useful in treating intestinal problems. Their nutrients, along with the fatty acids and antioxidants they contain, can  reduce inflammation and support the proper disposal of waste.


  • 1 tablespoon flax seeds
  • 1 cup water


  • Put a tablespoon of flax seeds in a glass of water and let them soak overnight.
  • The next morning, strain the mixture (it should have the consistency of a gel) and serve the drink obtained.
  • Drink a glass of flaxseed water daily until the symptoms are gone.

5. Carrots

To treat colitis, eat vegetables such as carrots

Carrots contain a lot of fiber and anti-inflammatory compounds. As soon as they enter the intestines, they relieve colitis and irritation. This vegetable also has prebiotic properties, being able to feed the bacteria that protect the colon.

The nutrients in carrots reduce the body’s susceptibility to chronic problems such as diarrhea and vomiting.


  • Use a juicer to extract the carrot juice.
  • Another option is to boil carrots in unsalted water. After it softens, puree it.
  • Consume this remedy once a day until the symptoms of colitis improve.

6. Bananas

Bananas contain a type of fiber called pectin. When absorbed by the intestines, pectin balances the pH and fights diarrhea and constipation.

In addition, the significant magnesium and potassium content of bananas helps to balance the electrolytes in the body. For this reason, they are one of the best remedies that relieve colitis.


  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 teaspoon of honey


  • Grind the banana, add honey and consume the remedy obtained.
  • You can also include bananas in smoothies or eat simple banana slices throughout the day.

Does colitis bother you? Opt for any of the remedies presented in this article and say goodbye to uncomfortable symptoms!

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