5 Juices That Can Help You Reduce Bloating

Dairy products, refined flour and salt can be the biggest enemies of your stomach. Eliminate them from your diet and opt instead for fresh fruits and vegetables, which reduce abdominal inflammation.
5 juices that can help you reduce bloating

Abdominal bloating is not related to fat accumulated in the abdomen, which can easily affect even the weakest. In this article we will present you five recipes for juices that can help you reduce bloating.

Common causes of bloating are an unhealthy diet, premenstrual syndrome or excess gas caused by eating too fast, a very high level of stress, low fiber intake or intestinal problems.

If you are also among those affected by bloating , then it’s time to change your eating habits. Try to avoid dairy, meat, salt and refined or processed flour.

Read on and you won’t regret it!

Natural juices that relieve bloating

Aloe juice and chlorophyll can help reduce bloating

Abdominal bloating: aloe juice

Thanks to its ability to cleanse the colon by eliminating accumulated waste and toxins, this delicious juice can help you reduce bloating. In addition, this juice can help prevent premature aging and detoxify your blood.


  • Half a cup of aloe gel
  • Juice obtained from a lemon
  • 1 tablespoon liquid chlorophyll


Put all the above ingredients in a mixer and mix them for a few minutes, until you get a homogeneous liquid. Drink this juice on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast.

Detoxifying juice that can help reduce bloating

Abdominal bloating: celery juice

This powerful juice combines all the benefits of foods such as garlic, celery, carrots and alfalfa to create a tonic that reduces bloating and is even useful for eliminating toxins and relieving intestinal gas.


  • 1 cup fresh carrot juice
  • 1 clove of raw garlic
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 1 handful of alfalfa


Pass the celery and carrots through a juicer, and then, using a mixer, mix the juice obtained with the garlic and alfalfa. Ideally, you should drink this juice in the afternoon, two hours before your next meal.

Apple juice, flax seeds and verbena

Abdominal bloating: apples

With this juice, you can reduce bloating naturally, while regulating your digestive function to fight cramps, gastritis or colon problems.


  • 2 fresh apples with intact peel, washed well
  • 1 tablespoon flax seeds
  • 1 cup of verbena and fennel tea


Use a juicer to extract the juice from the apples, and then pour it into a mixer and mix it with the flax seeds and verbena tea and fennel.

Tea can be prepared very easily: simply boil a cup of water, add a tablespoon of verbena and a tablespoon of fennel, and then let the mixture infuse for five minutes.

Juice to reduce bloating and relieve constipation

Abdominal bloating: papaya juice

Poor digestion is one of the main causes of bloating. If you want to have a flat stomach, then we advise you to get rid of constipation as soon as possible. Try the following recipe:


  • 1 large piece of papaya
  • 1 mango
  • 1 tablespoon ground flax seeds
  • 1 cup of purified water
  • Honey


Put all the above ingredients in a mixer and mix them until you get a homogeneous liquid. Drink this juice without straining it.

“Sassy” water that reduces bloating in 60 seconds

Although not well known yet, “Sassy” water is a low-calorie drink, invented by Cynthia Sass in her diet to get a flat stomach. It’s not really a juice, but this drink is very strong and can help you have a flatter abdomen and improve your digestive function.

Water is one of the most important ingredients if you want to have a flat stomach and stay hydrated, so why not try “Sassy” water?


  • 2 liters of water
  • 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
  • 1 cucumber, peeled and sliced
  • 1 sliced ​​lemon
  • 12 mint leaves created


Mix all the ingredients in a glass container and put it in the fridge. After cooling for a few hours, strain the liquid and drink it throughout the day.

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