8 Tricks To Strengthen Bones

Did you know that in addition to training muscles, weight training also helps to strengthen bones? With them, you will reduce your risk of osteoporosis and fractures.
8 tricks for strengthening bones

Would you like to discover some tricks for strengthening bones? At what stage of life do you think it is appropriate to make a special effort to take care of your bones? Today we will present you everything you need to know about this topic.

The human body has 206 bones. They vary in length and thickness, play various roles and make up the skeletal system. The bones are connected by joints, which allow them to move and are separated from the cartilage so that they do not rub against each other.

Among the main functions of the skeletal system are:

  • Body weight support
  • Body movement
  • Protecting the vital organs they cover

Given the importance of the skeletal system, it is essential to take care of it and adopt beneficial habits to keep our bones strong and healthy. The good news is that we have many tricks to strengthen our bones that we can try.

1. Consumption of vegetables, one of the best tricks for strengthening bones

Some tricks for strengthening bones involve specific foods

In general, vegetables are very helpful if we want to strengthen our bones and stay healthy. Vitamin C in these foods stimulates the production of cells that form bone tissue. The antioxidant effect of this substance can even heal already damaged bones.

Therefore, eating vegetables increases bone density, giving these parts of the body extra calcium and other essential minerals. The higher the bone density, the less likely we are to suffer from diseases such as osteopenia or osteoporosis.

2. Increase your protein intake

If you do not consume enough protein sources, the level of calcium absorbed by your bones will decrease. Be careful to be moderate, because excessive consumption of high-protein foods inhibits bone strengthening. It is estimated that 100 g of protein per day offers the following benefits:

  • It helps you maintain your bone density, including menopause
  • It reduces your risk of suffering fractures in old age

3. Eat foods rich in calcium

Tricks for strengthening bones such as calcium intake are very useful

Daily consumption of natural sources of calcium is one of the simplest tricks for strengthening bones. Calcium is one of the main minerals in bones.

  • The most effective way to meet our daily calcium needs is to eat foods that contain it throughout the day.
  • Although we can also take calcium-based supplements, they are not absorbed as easily as the food we eat.

People who do not have an adequate calcium intake risk developing a deficiency that, in the long run, can cause complications.

4. Get your daily vitamin D requirement

This vitamin helps the body absorb and fix calcium in the bones. You can get vitamin D if you choose to eat fish, liver and cheese or if you expose yourself to sunlight.

Unfortunately, many of us do not get enough vitamin D and we have to take supplements. One of the most effective tricks for strengthening bones is to go for a walk in the park every day. To avoid burns, don’t forget to apply a sunscreen.

5. Avoid low-calorie diets

In addition to slowing down the metabolism, low-calorie diets reduce muscle mass and increase anxiety levels. At the same time, they negatively affect the structure of the bones, because they reduce their mass.

When trying to lose weight, it is important to have a varied and balanced diet that strengthens your bones. For this purpose, opt for protein-rich vegetables and small portions of healthy fats.

6. Consume collagen

Some tricks to strengthen bones involve consuming collagen

Although scientists have not yet demonstrated all its benefits, we cannot but include the use of collagen-based supplements in this list of bone-strengthening tricks. Collagen is one of the most important proteins in the human body.

Patients with arthritis are often advised to consume gelatin (an important source of collagen) to relieve the pain caused by this disease.

7. Eat foods rich in magnesium and zinc

In addition to calcium, bones contain zinc and magnesium. Together with vitamin D, magnesium stimulates the absorption of calcium, and zinc helps the formation of bone marrow cells and prevents excessive loss of bone density. To get these 2 minerals, include the following foods in your diet:

  • Spinach
  • Flax or pumpkin seeds
  • Red meat

8. Exercises with weights

Weight-bearing exercises can improve bone density and reduce the risk of experiencing inflammation or pain. This type of physical activity determines both the development of muscle mass and the strengthening of bones.

To improve endurance and bone mass, teenagers and young adults should adopt a weight-bearing exercise routine.

It is very easy to strengthen your bones

It is not at all difficult to keep your bones strong and healthy. Simply include certain beneficial foods in your daily diet and get enough exercise. These minor changes will reduce your risk of developing osteoporosis and fractures.

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