Remedies For White And Red Stretch Marks

White and red stretch marks can be improved. Try these completely natural skin repair treatments!
Remedies for white and red stretch marks

There are few things as annoying as stretch marks on the skin. The main causes of these signs are changes in body weight or hormonal imbalances. How can we get rid of them? Some people resort to plastic surgery, but this expensive operation is not accessible to everyone. Did you know that there are also remedies for white and red stretch marks that you can prepare at home?

These simple and inexpensive remedies are natural remedies that can help you reduce the unpleasant appearance of stretch marks. They will not disappear completely – you need to know this from the beginning – but they will fade and be less visible.

Remedies for white and red stretch marks

1. Home remedies for red stretch marks

We call red stretch marks the new signs of skin stretching. In other words, stretch marks are still in the formative phase. Stretch marks can appear on the arms, legs, buttocks or abdomen and always occur during pregnancy. The formation process can take up to several months, as the body sends blood to the affected areas, thus intensifying the appearance of stretch marks.

Over time, these marks will heal and turn white. Is it possible to get rid of unpleasant stretch marks? You will get the best results if you start the treatment immediately after the first signs appear, while the stretch marks are still red.

Simple sugar scrub

It is very easy to prepare. To make this exfoliant, you need a tablespoon of sugar (20 grams). Get in the shower and moisturize your skin. Then rub the area where the stretch marks appeared with sugar. You need to perform a light massage but at the same time activate the blood circulation. This treatment will lead to faster whitening of stretch marks.

Treatment with aloe, potatoes and egg

You need the following ingredients:

  • A peeled and sliced ​​potato
  • Gel from an aloe vera plant (30 grams)
  • An egg white

This simple treatment aims to reduce inflammation in areas with red stretch marks by nourishing the affected skin and healing it. You know for sure that aloe vera has a lot of beneficial properties for treating skin problems. Reducing the appearance of stretch marks is one of them.

Start by removing the pulp from the inside of the aloe vera plant. Put it in a glass bowl and add the egg white. Then put each slice of potato in this mixture, then apply it on the area with stretch marks. Analyze your body to see how many potatoes you need. Leave them on for 15 minutes, then take a shower. This treatment is very effective.

2. Remedies for white stretch marks

Woman with stretch marks on her waist

White stretch marks are signs of skin stretching that have already healed, meaning they are harder to remove. But you can make them less visible if you use these simple remedies. This is why it is important to start the treatment in the early stages, while the stretch marks are still red.

Now, let’s look at some simple remedies for white stretch marks.

Treatment to reduce white stretch marks

  • 50 grams of aloe vera
  • 20 ml of extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 drops of vitamin E.

How do we prepare this treatment?

  • This simple treatment targets nourishing and repairing affected skin. You need vitamin E for this remedy to be effective. You can find it in pharmacies or health food stores. It may be a little more expensive, but vitamin E can be used for many purposes. For example, you can add a few drops in the nail polish to protect them or in the conditioner to strengthen the hair.
  • First, you need to extract the aloe vera pulp. Use a spoon to remove the gel from inside the plant. Put it in a bowl and add the olive oil. At the end, put three drops of vitamin E and mix all the ingredients. After the mixture is homogeneous, put a piece of cotton wool in it and massage the area where you have the white stretch marks.

This treatment should be repeated every night. After a while, you will notice that the white stretch marks are less visible. Success!

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