4 Tips To Reduce Menstrual Flow

Every body is different, and when it comes to the menstrual cycle, women need to take care of themselves and their health. Do you have a normal or abundant menstrual flow? Follow the recommendations below to keep it under control.
4 tips for reducing menstrual flow

The secretions protect the vagina from infections, clean it and lubricate it. But they can increase considerably during menstruation, affecting women’s daily lives. To help you, here are four tricks to reduce menstrual flow.

The body has certain levels of hormones, such as estrogen, which causes the vaginal secretions to increase or decrease during ovulation. Therefore, any change in these values ​​directly affects women at this time of the month.

Tips for reducing menstrual flow

First of all, it is important to go to a specialist. In this way, you can find out if the abundant flow is based on certain major internal imbalances. Then you can implement the recommendations below.

1. Improve your diet

Walnuts help reduce menstrual flow

Eat foods rich in nutrients such as protein, foods high in iron and dairy products to get the recommended dose of calcium. Iron plays an essential role in the formation of erythrocytes (red blood cells), which is why the lack of this mineral can cause heavy menstruation.

Vitamin C has a synergistic effect, as it is necessary for the efficient absorption of iron in the body. Add foods that contain both nutrients to your diet to combat menorrhagia. We recommend that you consume:

  • NUTS
  • Green vegetables
  • Yogurt
  • Cheese
  • Oranges
  • Strawberries
  • Cherries
  • apricots

2. Take supplements

Improves the effects of food consumed by taking supplements of iron, magnesium, zinc, calcium and vitamin B6. You can opt for a product in the form of multivitamins or you can take a separate supplement from each.

Iron supplements help reduce menstrual flow. Vitamin B processes excess estrogen in the liver and contributes to the synthesis of prostaglandins, which are essential in preventing the formation of abnormal blood clots.

3. Drink herbal teas

Reducing menstrual flow with herbal infusions

Plants have been used for thousands of years to reduce menstrual flow. They can also correct hormonal disorders, keeping menorrhagia under control.

For immediate improvement, stimulating progesterone production and relaxing the uterine muscles, we recommend drinking infusions of the following plants:

  • Lady’s Mantle
  • Shepherd’s Purse
  • Melarea
  • Cinnamon
  • Red raspberry leaves

4. Apply ice packs

Cold compresses reduce bleeding and relieve pain and inflammation by contracting blood vessels.

Put a bag full of ice cubes on your abdomen. Leave it to act for a maximum of 20 minutes, set it aside and use it again in 2-4 hours. Continue the procedure until the symptoms improve.

If you are too cold or your skin feels numb, remove the compress.

What is normal?

Reducing menstrual flow is necessary for some women

Many women wonder what is the normal amount that should be eliminated during menstruation and what should be the pattern of bleeding. In this regard, several elements must be taken into account, such as the frequency, intensity and duration of menstruation.

Generally, the menstrual cycle lasts between 21 and 35 days. Menstruation should last 3 to 7 days, during which time 30 to 80 ml of fluid is normally lost.

During the month, there may be a very slight, brown bleeding during ovulation (halfway through the menstrual cycle).

Other variations could be: polymenorrhea (menstruation lasting more than 7 days), oligomenorrhea (menstruation shorter than 3 days) and opsomenorrhea (cycle longer than 35 days).

There is also hypermenorrhea (elimination of more than 80 / ml per cycle) and hypomenorrhea (decrease in blood). Each of these menstrual disorders should be analyzed and treated individually by a specialist.

Health problems

It is good to take certain measures to control the situation, because heavy or prolonged menstruation affects your daily performance, including physical activity and emotional health, as well as social life.

At the same time, the loss of a large amount of menstrual fluid can cause various health problems, such as iron deficiency anemia. In general, menstrual bleeding is accompanied by dizziness, fatigue, headache, cramps, shortness of breath, blurred vision and arrhythmia.

If the intensity of the cycle is not caused by a disease that requires medical intervention, take into account the four tips for reducing menstrual flow that we have presented above. In this way, you can ease this unpleasant period of the month and you can enjoy the pleasure of being a woman.

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