Bowel Cleansing And Detoxification

Did you know that high-fat foods increase the amount of gastric acid, irritate the intestines and cause acid reflux?
Cleansing and detoxifying the intestines

Have you ever dealt with bowel detoxification? The intestines are responsible for cleansing the body. They play a very important role, being responsible for the breakdown of the food we eat, so that the blood can absorb the nutrients from them. In addition, the intestines are responsible for removing waste from the body.

Read this article to find out what you need to do to detoxify your intestines with natural remedies and a healthy lifestyle.

As with other organs responsible for cleansing and filtering substances in the body, such as the liver and kidneys, lifestyle, pollution and poor diet overload the intestines, preventing them from functioning properly.

The intestines accumulate many toxins that, over time, can seriously affect your health. They can cause shortness of breath, heartburn, feeling too full in the stomach, poor digestion, diarrhea, bloating and, in some cases, headaches and insomnia.

5 simple methods for detoxifying the intestines

If you want to follow a treatment that cleanses your intestines, you must take into account these simple recommendations that will help you do this in a healthy and effective way.

  • Drink more water: detoxifying the intestines can cause dehydration, so it is important to increase your daily fluid intake. A larger amount of water will hydrate you and help your body get rid of toxic substances and feces accumulated in the intestines. For a stronger effect, drink water at room temperature with a little lemon.
  • Diet: During the colon cleansing course you should follow a light diet, with lots of vegetables, fruit juices and other easily digestible foods. Avoid large meals because they will require more of your intestines and will affect the detoxification process. It is also good to eat plenty of soups and vegetable soups to restore the body’s electrolyte balance.
  • Vitamins and dietary supplements: when you follow cures to cleanse your intestines you may face a temporary loss of vital nutrients and vitamins. If possible, compensate for this loss by consuming vitamins and minerals from natural sources. Increase your vitamin C intake, as this will keep your immune system strong.
  • Consume more probiotics: it is very important to include probiotic foods in your diet, because when the intestines are cleansed, they are eliminated along with the bad and good bacteria. By consuming probiotics, you will be able to compensate for this loss and you will replace the good bacteria that support intestinal health.
  • Detox baths: they can also help detoxify the intestines. A water bath with herbs will help you eliminate toxins through the skin. Ideally, the plants should be boiled in water. After the bath, wrap yourself in a towel or blanket so that the released vapors are absorbed into the skin.

Juices for detoxifying the intestines

Detoxification of the intestines with pineapple

This juice deeply cleanses the intestines and stimulates the body toxins. It is prepared from strawberries, pineapple and parsley and is known for its purifying and digestive properties. Fights constipation and flatulence, reduces inflammation and generally helps cleanse the digestive tract.


  • ½ cup of chopped strawberries
  • 2 sliced ​​pineapple slices
  • 1 bunch of chopped parsley
  • 1 cup of mineral water

How is it prepared?

Put all the ingredients in a blender, mix them and you’re done. It is best to consume this juice before breakfast or before any other meal.


If you prefer to clean your intestines with teas, we recommend artichoke tea and silymarin tea. Both plants are known for their purifying properties, stimulating the elimination of toxins and fluids accumulated in the body.

Cayenne peppers

Detoxification of the intestines with hot pepper tea

Cayenne pepper is a very useful purifying agent for cleansing the intestines. Use this spice in natural purees or mix it with a little lemon and drink it several times a day.


Psyllium fiber (Plantago psyllium) and algae are known for their ability to absorb and eliminate toxins that accumulate in the intestines. These plants form a gel that helps lubricate feces, being perfect for fighting constipation and treating irritable bowel syndrome.

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