Complementary Treatments For Depression

Exercise helps the body produce endorphins, hormones that induce well-being.
Complementary treatments for depression

Nowadays, due to such a stressful modern lifestyle, depression has become a real global epidemic. Fortunately, we have a wide variety of complementary treatments for depression, so we do not have to use only drugs that can cause addiction.

Depression is an emotional problem that, depending on the severity, can affect a person both mentally and physically. Some of us may experience short depressive episodes caused by love affairs, loss of a loved one, financial problems or stress.

Depressive episodes are usually easy to treat, and their development is closely linked to the existence of a certain crisis in our lives. Unfortunately, many individuals suffer from chronic depression, which can alter their health and quality of life.

In this situation we need to seek the help of a specialist. Improperly treated, chronic depression can cause more serious problems.

9 tricks to treat depression

Adopt an exercise routine

A proper exercise routine can help you overcome depression

One of the best complementary treatments for depression is sports. We have many options, each offering us certain benefits. For example –  yoga, aerobic exercise, weightlifting, running, swimming, etc.

We advise you not to perform intense exercises from the beginning. Start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of the exercises you practice. It is ideal to dedicate at least half an hour a day to exercise.

If you want to increase their effectiveness in combating depression, we advise you to train outdoors.

Complementary treatments for depression – adopt a healthy diet

A healthy diet is essential to overcoming depression

Diet plays a very important role in preventing and treating depression. If you face difficulties and stress in your life, increase your intake of vitamin B and calcium and eliminate foods rich in carbohydrates and refined sugar from your daily diet.

Complementary treatments for depression – herbal supplements

There are many plants with relaxing properties, useful in the fight against depression. Of these, we advise you to try the St. John’s wort in particular. It is very effective against depression.

Other plants famous for their ability to treat depression and anxiety are:

  • The flower of passion
  • Roine
  • Lavender
  • lemon
  • Valerian
  • oats
  • Nettle

Go outside

Going out in nature is indicated if you want to overcome depression

Direct contact with nature can be a great way to improve your mood. If you suffer from depression, we advise you to go for a walk in nature for at least half an hour.

There are many outdoor activities that you can try. You can walk your dog, go to the park, or ride a bike, among other things.

Get enough rest

Another useful tip to overcome depression is to sleep at least seven uninterrupted hours each night so that your body can revitalize.

Sufficient rest will improve your mood, help you become more flexible and will significantly relieve the depression that affects you.

Focus on the activities you enjoy

Literature could help you avoid depression

Work, duties and household chores are not everything in life. To avoid and overcome depression, it is essential to set aside some time for yourself so that you can dedicate yourself to activities that you enjoy.

Go on vacation, go shopping, have fun with friends or visit an amusement park. All these activities are very effective in preventing depression and stress.

Keep your hands busy

A useful trick to prevent depression is to always keep your hands busy. Be creative and do something that highlights your qualities. Start sewing, cook for your family, write, take photos, paint, etc.

Express your feelings in writing

If you are more reserved and do not like to share your feelings with others, a great trick to overcome depression is to draw or start writing. By laying out your thoughts and feelings on paper, it will be easier for you to look at things as a whole and relax.

Call a friend

If you are lucky enough to have a friend ready to help you at any time, do not hesitate to call this person every time you feel depressed.

Indeed, we do not always feel able to share our feelings when we are overwhelmed by depression, but the advice of a friend and the simple fact that he or she is with us can help us get over the crisis.

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