Relieves Neck Pain With 6 Exercises

The following exercises will only take a few minutes a day. In addition to the fact that they can relieve neck pain after it starts, they are also a very useful preventive method. In addition, these exercises will help you relax and get rid of stress.
Relieves neck pain with 6 exercises

Cervical pain is a very common problem. The main causes are daily activities and the fact that the neck must permanently support our head. In today’s article we invite you to discover some exercises that relieve neck pain.

Read on, and this annoying problem won’t bother you for long!

The combination of stress and poor posture causes neck pain

Cervical pain is caused by various unhealthy habits

Daily obligations and maintaining a poor posture for several hours at work or at home are the main causes of neck pain. However, this problem can also be the consequence of other diseases, but our habits are usually to blame.

Accumulation of tension in the neck region indicates that the pressure on the bones, tendons, nerves and muscles is uneven. The more we ignore the cause of the problem, the harder it will be for us to fix it.

The body compensates for the imbalance by using additional tendons, bones and muscles to support the head, although this role belongs to the neck.

The good news is that we have many stretching exercises that relieve neck, shoulder or even back pain. To prevent these problems, it is important to adopt a correct posture when sitting at the desk in front of the computer, watching TV or carrying weights.

Exercises that relieve neck pain

You can perform the following exercises at any time of the day and it doesn’t matter if the pain you experience is very intense or not. In other words, the following exercises can both relieve and prevent neck pain.

If your muscles and tendons are strong, they will be less susceptible to neck pain. We advise you to perform the exercises below every day (they will only take a few minutes of your time), so that you can resume your usual activities as soon as possible.

Before trying the following neck stretches, we want to warn you that this type of exercise should not be performed in a hurry. The movements must be slow and the neck must not be subjected to excessive pressure.

We advise you to warm your neck and surrounding areas while performing these exercises. For example, you can use an electric pillow or a hot water bottle. Also, try to do five repetitions for each exercise.

Tilt your head left and right

Cervical pain tends to be very uncomfortable
  • Adopt an upright position so that your back is supported by the back of the chair you are sitting on.
  • Put your hands on your knees.
  • Turn your head as far to the right as you can.
  • Try to keep your chin above your shoulders.
  • Return to the starting position, then turn your head to the left.
  • Hold these positions for a few seconds.

Lateral stretching of the neck by flexion relieves neck pain

These simple exercises help you relieve neck pain

This exercise involves taking the same starting position as described in the previous point. This time, however, your goal is to bring your ears as close to your shoulders as possible.

Ideally, you should avoid raising your arms and shoulders when performing this exercise. Moreover, you should feel a slight tension in your neck when you tilt your head. In the end, make sure you adopt the starting position again.

Stretching the neck back and forth

  • In order to perform the following exercise, you will need to sit on a chair that is not glued to the wall. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to perform the movements.
  • Lean your head back, as if you want to look at the ceiling.
  • Slightly open your mouth so that your jaws are not subjected to any pressure.
  • Be sure to keep your back straight.
  • Return to the starting position, then tilt your head forward. Your chin should touch your chest, but don’t worry if you can’t tilt your head so much.
  • This exercise will not work if you tense your back.

Shoulder lifts

As already mentioned, neck pain can extend to the shoulders. Here is an exercise that will help you relieve this symptom:

  • Adopt the same starting position described in the previous points.
  • Put your hands on your thighs or knees.
  • Raise your shoulders until they touch your ears.
  • Return to the starting position, then lower your shoulders as far as you can.

“Butterfly” stretches for the neck that relieve neck pain

Cervical pain can be caused by poor posture

To perform this exercise, you will need to lie on the bed, sofa or floor.

  • Put your hands on the back of your neck, as in the picture above, and join them.
  • The elbows should be along the face.
  • If you are lying in bed, lower your arms so that your elbows touch the mattress.

The lotus position relieves neck pain

The lotus position helps you treat neck pain
  • Sit on the floor and cross your legs.
  • As much as possible, place your feet on opposite knees.
  • With your back perfectly straight, hold this position for several minutes.

The first time you try this exercise, you may experience a little pain, but it will go away as you get used to the lotus position. Some people tend to put a pillow under their buttocks to feel more comfortable.

You can perform all of the above exercises (except for the “butterfly” stretch) in the lotus position. Also, by maintaining this position, you can rotate your neck. All you have to do is use your neck to draw an imaginary circle. Move slowly, and when you put your head on your back, don’t forget to open your mouth.

Some tips to prevent neck pain

In addition to incorporating the above exercises into your daily routine, there are a number of steps you can take to prevent neck pain. Here are some of them:

  • When talking on the phone, hold the device in your hand. Avoid holding it between your shoulder and ear.
  • Support your back with the back of the chair when sitting at the desk or table.
  • Make sure the computer screen is at eye level.
  • Sleep on your back and buy an ergonomic pillow.
  • When you have to lift something that has fallen to the floor, bend your knees as you lower your torso.
  • Change your position several times during the working day.
  • Do not carry excessive weights. If your bag is very heavy, avoid supporting the entire weight with your shoulders.

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