Why We Shouldn’t Drink Cold Water After Dinner

If we drink more water, the acid secreted by the stomach for food processing is diluted. This makes digestion difficult. We will feel heavy, weak after lunch and we will hardly continue our activities.
Why we shouldn't drink cold water after a meal

Many people are accustomed to drinking cold water after a meal, although this has been shown to have a negative effect on health. Maybe we’re exaggerating a little if we call this a dangerous habit. It is, however, a habit that can create discomfort and even pain. That is why many specialists recommend that we avoid drinking cold water after a meal.

Why is it not good to drink cold water after a meal?

First of all, we must remember that this has not been scientifically proven. However, it is worth considering when you are going to drink a glass of cold water after a meal.

If we drink cold water after eating, we can get an indigestion. Its low temperature will change the consistency of the food and slow down its digestion.

For example, fatty food usually solidifies when mixed with cold water and becomes harder to digest. A longer digestion process can cause gastric acid reflux.

If we drink more water, the acid secreted by the stomach for food processing is diluted. This makes digestion difficult. We will feel heavy, weak after dinner and we will hardly continue our activities.

cold-water band

Drinking cold water after a meal can also affect those who suffer from tooth sensitivity, migraines or severe headaches.

A glass of cold water can even trigger a migraine, causing stomach pain and bloating, because in combination with water certain foods increase their volume. The pain is prolonged when we drink too much water, preventing digestion.

Our stomach is made to process food at body temperature. If the food is too cold or too hot, we put our body under extra effort for the digestion process. The same happens when the food is too spicy. Hard to digest, can cause diarrhea in some cases.

How water should be drunk

Experts believe that it is not good to drink water after a meal. However, I recognize that our body needs a significant amount of water on a daily basis to function properly.

Some people think it would be best to drink water before a meal because it will give us a feeling of satiety and we will eat less. Remember that water has 0 calories and that we can drink over 2 liters a day.

Some people believe that if they drink water during the meal they will suffer from retention. In fact, water stimulates kidney function and contributes to hydration.

In order not to cause the digestive problems mentioned above, experts recommend that we replace cold water with water at room temperature.

The benefits of water consumption


The fact that cold water, consumed with food, can cause various problems, does not mean that water is generally not good. It is important to drink plenty of water daily. It has been shown to be essential for hydrating the body and performing vital functions.

Water hydrates organs and tissues, improves circulation and stimulates the elimination of toxins. Water consumption is very beneficial and essential for our health and well-being.

We hope you enjoyed our article on cold water consumption after dinner!

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