A Nutritious Breakfast A Day Prolongs Your Life By 5 Years

Don’t forget to eat a fruit next to breakfast to get the recommended dose of fiber and essential vitamins for a day full of energy.
A nutritious breakfast a day prolongs your life by 5 years

The most important meal of the day is a nutritious and healthy breakfast, because after several hours of sleep you have no energy. Without this impulse, you would not be able to cope with daily activities. In fact, to have energy, you need to start each day with a nutritious breakfast.

We invite you to read on to find out  how you can improve your health and quality of life with  a nutritious and healthy breakfast.

Various studies have shown that a nutritious breakfast is extremely important for health. At the same time, only foods that contain nutrients, vitamins and minerals that can ensure the proper functioning of all organs should be included.

What should a nutritious breakfast contain?

Choose a nutritious breakfast with eggs
  • A healthy breakfast should contain low-fat or fat-free dairy products, because they provide the necessary calcium for the whole day. Calcium helps strengthen bones and maintain their health. But if you have lactose intolerance or an allergy, you can choose a replacement that you like. For example, you can consume rice or soy milk, which also contains many essential proteins.
  • It is advisable to include some fruits in this meal, either to eat them as such or in the form of juice. They bring the fiber you need every day.
  • Cereals are another good choice, because not only are there a lot of options in stores, but they provide you with the carbohydrates that your body needs to have energy for the whole day. You can eat them with milk or yogurt. They are found in many ways and with many flavors. Try, as far as possible, to avoid those that contain a lot of sugar.
  • You can choose to eat sausages from time to time, as they contain an important source of protein.  However, it applies the moderation criterion, because these foods are intensely processed and contain a lot of fat.
  • Another source of protein is eggs. These are an excellent option especially because you can prepare them in many different ways and consuming them contributes to the proper functioning of the body.

Do not forget…

If you are not satisfied with your body weight and decide to skip breakfast with the thought that you will lose a few pounds, this perception is a false one and you will not get the desired effect. On the contrary, the body will produce more fat in order to have energy resources for normal functioning.

In conclusion, we do not recommend skipping breakfast, nor in order to lose weight. In this case, instead of fruits or whole grains, you can eat cinnamon bars. Avoid juices with added sugar and instead consume skim milk.

Don’t forget that a nutritious breakfast prolongs your life every day by a few years. In addition, the other important meals of the day should not be neglected. It is important to have a balanced diet and exercise regularly.

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