Alone And Happy: Is It Possible?

Maturity and inner balance are essential in a couple. To find your happiness in a relationship, you must first love yourself. 
Alone and happy: is it possible?

Of course, it is possible to be alone and happy, even if some people do not perceive happiness outside of a relationship.

We assure you that even when you are alone you enjoy certain benefits that can make you happy. Let’s see what these are.

The benefits of being alone

You probably know people who are single and are desperate to find a partner. They consider themselves strangers in society if they don’t have someone and they feel empty and incomplete if there is no one to hold their hand every day. But the truth is that it is dangerous to associate happiness only with the couple’s relationship.

Some people do not know how to feel good and comfortable alone, do not have a personal balance and do not enjoy that maturation that can only be achieved on their own, in the absence of other people.

Of course, even when we find the so-called ” half ” and have it with us, we feel happy and fulfilled. In order to have a partner and become happy, it is essential to learn to love yourself when you are alone.

Alone and happy

Maturity and inner balance are vital in a couple relationship in which the two partners want to have emotional integrity and respect for themselves and those around them. Let’s see how you can enjoy the status of being alone  and how you can be happy.

1. Listen and know yourself


When you are not in a relationship, you spend more time alone and learn to listen to yourself and better understand your own needs.  Discover yourself, your desires, preferences and ideals. As a couple, it often happens that you take into account and care more about the other’s needs than yours.

We put ourselves in the background without realizing that if it does not change, the situation can become dangerous for our psyche. Loneliness gives us the time we need to get to know each other better. So be selfish and think of yourself. Take care of yourself, discover your personal needs and find your inner balance . Learn to listen to your own voice and love yourself!

2. Time for maturation, time for yourself


Some relationships have a traumatic end , and optimism and self-esteem are affected. These moments are ideal to get to know yourself, to mature, to heal your wounds and to reorient yourself in life. Think about what kind of person you would like to be and redefine the boundaries of what is and what is not acceptable in a relationship.

Reflect on these things and learn to enjoy life, no matter if someone is with you. Learn to love yourself and convince yourself that you are the most wonderful person in the world and that the status of a single person does not limit your happiness.

3. More time for your friends and hobbies


There is nothing more satisfying than finding time to do what you love. Do you want to paint, learn a foreign language, enroll in a course? Now is the right time to do what you love most and enjoy your freedom.

When we are in a relationship, we often give up our favorite activities because we spend too much time with our partner. Now you can do what you want without giving an account to anyone. You can go on a trip with friends or even alone.

Being alone is not a bad thing, you are the most important person in the world. Enjoy your friends, family, your pets and your loneliness.

4. Time to find your fulfillment


Some people think that, above all, you have to find your half. If we become obsessed with this idea, we come to perceive ourselves as incomplete. Even if you are alone, you must feel that you are a complete and healthy person.

Along the way, the right person will appear , who deserves you, loves you as you are and makes you happy. It does not necessarily have to be seen as the “other half”. Any two people whose characters, passions, qualities and defects complement each other can form a happy couple.

Until then, don’t forget that you are a whole man. With personality, self-respect, feelings and beauty. Smile when you look in the mirror and remember that your happiness is the most important, whether you find it in a relationship or alone.

Learn to love yourself, to cultivate your self-esteem. Do not think for a moment that it is necessary to be in a relationship to be happy. Sometimes we realize that our relationship with our partner is toxic and harmful and that being alone is the best option. Ideally, you should enjoy your independence and individuality, without closing yourself in front of the possibility of a relationship.

Love is an adventure worth every sacrifice, but never neglect your own heart. 

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