Anemia And Iron Deficiency: Are They The Same Thing?

Iron deficiency causes a certain type of anemia: iron deficiency anemia. However, there are other types of deficiencies due to different causes. Although confusion is common, a misdiagnosis could lead to incorrect treatment.
Anemia and iron deficiency: are they the same thing?

People tend to confuse the terms “anemia” and “iron deficiency”. But anemia and iron deficiency are not the same thing. Yes, it is true that there is an association between a certain type of anemia and iron deficiency, but they cannot be used as synonyms.

In reality, anemia is a heterogeneous disease that can have different causes. Although iron deficiency is one of them, there are other types that are caused by dysfunctions in the production of red blood cells or hemoglobin.

It is important to know that iron is part of the hemoglobin in red blood cells. It helps transport oxygen to all the cells in the body, which need this gas to perform their vital functions.

Anemia and iron deficiency are correlated in some cases, but not all types of anemia involve iron deficiency. In this article, we explain why anemia and iron deficiency are not the same thing and how to differentiate between these two health problems.

How to tell the difference between anemia and iron deficiency

To distinguish between anemia and iron deficiency, it is important to know what they are and why they occur. We have already mentioned that iron is an essential component of red blood cells, with a role in transporting oxygen.

Iron is obtained through diet and obviously some foods contain more iron than others. This means that, first of all, certain eating habits, such as a vegetarian or vegan diet, can cause iron deficiency.

Red meat and fish are the foods richest in iron, and vegetarians and vegans do not eat them. Another reason for iron deficiency is its poor absorption. Certain pathologies that affect the digestive tract, such as celiac disease, alter the process of nutrient absorption.

Anemia is defined as a decrease in the number of red blood cells, a decrease in hemoglobin or a decrease in hematocrit.

Therefore, it is important to note that anemia can have many causes. Iron deficiency is one of them, because it affects the concentration of hemoglobin. However, the terms cannot be used interchangeably.

Doctor drawing the word anemia on a board
Anemia is the result of iron deficiency, but they are not one and the same.

Types of anemia

This is a disease characterized by low levels of iron, which affects the proper production of hemoglobin in the bone marrow. In turn, this lack can have many causes, such as:

  • Blood loss. This is more common in women due to menstruation. Bleeding from an injury can also occur.
  • Digestive problems, such as ulcers or diseases that affect intestinal absorption.
  • Colon cancer. Although it is a rare cause, it is important to be aware of it. Colon cancer causes blood loss through the stools. Often, the first symptom is anemia and iron deficiency.
Seeds to treat anemia and iron deficiency
Vegetarians should include an iron source in their diet to ensure that they do not suffer from anemia.

In addition, anemia can be the result of a cancerous process that affects the blood, such as leukemia. It can also be a hemolytic anemia, in which the problem is that the body destroys red blood cells faster than it creates them.

In conclusion, anemia and iron deficiency are not the same

Many other types of anemia are the result of other processes. It is important to get a correct diagnosis to start the right treatment. Not all anemic diseases are alleviated by taking an iron supplement. Therefore, the specialist must determine what action each patient should take.

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