Beneficial Fruits For Skin Health

Fruits are very healthy foods for the body. Did you know that they also offer miraculous benefits when applied to the skin?
Beneficial fruits for skin health

Trying to rejuvenate our face is a daily struggle; over time, the face and body lose their firmness. To maintain the youthful appearance of your skin, you must not forget about its daily care. In this article, we will discuss some fruits that are good for skin health.

Beneficial fruits for skin health

Fruits contain a large amount of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals that provide benefits to the skin when applied in the form of a mask or ingested. Let’s find out which are the best fruits for this purpose!

Bananas or plantain

Ripe bananas

Classic and plantain bananas are rich in potassium and magnesium and provide vitamins essential for the healthy development of the body. These foods are very beneficial for those who practice a sport because they help physical and mental recovery after exertion.

As for the consumption of these fruits to rejuvenate the face and skin, bananas contain vitamins A, B and E – each of which acts as an antioxidant in the body.


Lemons contribute to the process of skin reconstruction because they contain a large amount of vitamin C. They are available any day of the year, in almost any store in the world. Lemons have also become a famous natural treatment due to the possibility of combining them with many other ingredients.

Lemons contain vitamin C and can be applied directly to the skin to remove pimples, blackheads and other imperfections specific to oily skin. It is necessary to avoid sun exposure during treatment, as UV rays can cause hyperpigmentation spots. Also, do not apply too much lemon juice on the skin.


Oranges on the list of fruits beneficial to skin health

Oranges are among the citrus fruits that provide the most vitamin C to the body. They keep our body healthy and our skin smooth and also provide basic antioxidants that keep your face clean and looking young.

Oranges have become one of the most used beauty products, because they are famous for their content of vitamin A, a substance that keeps the skin young. Oranges are an important ingredient in cosmetics, being used especially to maintain fine skin.


Papaya is a fruit very rich in antioxidants. Consumption of papaya helps a lot to improve digestion and eliminate harmful toxins from the body.

The benefits of papaya are based on a substance called papain. This substance removes impurities and dead cells, regenerating the damaged ones. If you apply papaya directly to the skin, you will benefit from its regenerating and purifying properties.


Pieces of mango

This fruit provides a huge amount of vitamin A, which acts directly on the skin, helping it regain its elasticity and eliminate wrinkles. Mango is very helpful for those who are trying to regain the youthful appearance of their skin.

Do not forget!

To keep your skin healthy, it is necessary to consume plenty of water, as it moisturizes it and removes impurities. Also, adopt a healthy and balanced diet and use sunscreens, which help prevent the appearance of hyperpigmented spots and premature wrinkles.

All beauty activities need perseverance to have a chance of success. It must be a repetitive and constant process, without deviations, because only this way you will get the desired results.

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