Can You Eat Potatoes On A Diet?

Potatoes are an excellent food surrounded by many myths. They provide many nutrients and can be beneficial in our diets, but the question is how to cook them correctly.
Can you eat potatoes on a diet?

Can you eat potatoes if you are on a diet? Is it true that they do not provide us with important nutrients? Or that they can make us gain weight if we eat them regularly?

These are just some of the doubts about this food. Today, we will explain everything about potatoes and their health benefits.

Myths about potatoes

Basically, you need to know the different myths about potatoes. Among the most common is the fact that they make you gain weight, because they are composed mainly of sugars.

However, potatoes contain complex carbohydrates, which are more easily absorbed, reduce glycemic peaks and improve intestinal transit by providing fiber.

Eating potatoes in your diet is not only healthy, but a very simple way to cook a quick meal. If you are trying to lose weight, a properly cooked potato is a perfect garnish.

The truth about potatoes

Basket with white potatoes
Another myth about potatoes is that they do not provide important nutrients.

Potatoes are a type of herbaceous plant that belongs to the Solanaceae family . There are countless myths about this tuber. One of them claims that it does not provide the body with essential nutrients.

The following percentages show the nutrients that potatoes provide, depending on the recommended daily dose for an adult. For every 100 g (4 oz) of potatoes you will find:

Can you eat potatoes on a diet?

The potato has only 15 g (0.5 oz) of carbohydrates. This is a very small figure compared to other foods, such as lentils – 48 g (2 oz), pasta – 70 g (3 oz), chickpeas – 49 g (2 oz), brown rice – 81 g (3, 2 oz), beans – 41 g (1.8 oz) and bread – 47 g (2 oz).

That being said, it is normal to wonder why potatoes are so ignored in the diet if they are so low in carbohydrates. The problem is not with the food itself, but with how we prepare it.

If we choose an unhealthy way to cook potatoes, we will consume an excess of calories. Pay attention to the numbers: 100 g (4 oz) of raw potatoes provides 73 calories; fried provides 100 calories and steamed or boiled, only 75.

Instead, 100 g (4 oz) of frozen french fries contains 270 calories, while the same amount of homemade french fries has 290 calories. A bag of chips contains 538 calories.

Why is calorie change so drastic? Cooking methods dramatically change the nutritional value of potatoes. Frying potatoes can reduce the water content, which means that the tuber will absorb more oil; the more oil is absorbed, the more calories will be added.

Healthy ways to use potatoes in your diet

Diet potatoes
When cooked properly, potatoes can offer many health benefits.

If cooked properly, potatoes can give you many benefits when you are on a diet.

In a healthy diet, the benefits of potatoes are numerous. As we have seen, they provide essential nutrients, fiber and complex sugars that improve our health. Protecting the intestinal flora, blood sugar control and vitamin richness are just some of the benefits of potatoes. Therefore, the inclusion of this food in a healthy diet is highly recommended.

Avoid frying, which increases calorie intake and reduces the benefits of potatoes.

You can enjoy this food in many ways. Whether they are the main part of the meal or just a side dish, potatoes are essential in the diet. In any case, if in doubt, consult your nutritionist to develop a personalized diet plan.

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