Causes, Treatments And Solutions For Exfoliated Nails

Contact with chemicals in cleaning products can irritate the skin and cause exfoliation of the nails. Always wear protective gloves.
Causes, treatments and solutions for exfoliated nails

If you have ever wondered what causes nail exfoliation, then this is the article you must read. There are many factors that lead to nail exfoliation, from stress or poor nutrition to problems with the thyroid gland or the habit of holding your hands in water for a long time. In this article we will present the treatments and solutions for exfoliated nails that offer excellent results. 

Causes of nail peeling

As already mentioned, there are several causes of nail exfoliation. It is good to tell your doctor about this problem, but you can treat or prevent it at home.

One of the causes is poor nutrition and lack of calcium. To eliminate this deficiency, you need to eat dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese), spinach, mangold beets and green leafy vegetables. Avoid consuming sour juices, tea or coffee, as they prevent the absorption of calcium in the body. You can also take vitamin A, B and D supplements or calcium.

Herbal exfoliating nail solutions

Another cause of nail exfoliation is improper hydration. To combat this problem, it is recommended to eat fruits, liquids (water and juices), but also vegetables, such as tomatoes.

Apply a moisturizer on the nails once a day. If possible, do this before bed or after your hands have had prolonged contact with water (you have washed your hands, washed many dishes, bathed your children or spent more time in the bathtub). This treatment is also indicated for people who are used to biting their nails, as they are in constant contact with water (saliva), and the layers of which they are made are removed with the teeth.

Other harmful factors

On the aesthetic side, some treatments or habits can affect nail health: applying false nails, excessive filing, using poor quality nail polishes or those that contain too much formic aldehyde, drying nails repeatedly when wet, removing nail polishes with aggressive chemicals (acetone also affects the skin). It is necessary to wait a day or two until the nail polish is reapplied to allow the nails to “breathe”.

Another harmful factor is contact with chemicals such as disinfectants or cleaning products . Avoid this habit, as detergents, soaps and other similar products can irritate the skin and cause exfoliation of the nails. Always wear protective gloves.

Solutions for exfoliated nails due to health problems

Thyroid problems can also reduce the strength of your nails. If you suffer from a thyroid disease, consult an endocrinologist who can prescribe appropriate treatment.

And last but not least, another harmful factor is stress and lack of sleep. When you leave work, leave your problems there. Find the good side of quarrels or contradictions with your partner, look for solutions to financial problems, etc. For a calmer sleep, consume herbal infusions that help relax the mind and body.

Recommendations to prevent exfoliation of nails

  • Do not use cheap or poor quality nail polish because it may contain chemicals that are harmful to the nails, which can weaken their resistance.
  • Use nail polishes specially created to prevent exfoliation. There are many cosmetics companies that offer such products, which most likely have the word “therapeutic” on the packaging.
  • Apply a nail hardener three times a week.
  • Avoid cutting or tearing the layers on your nails so as not to damage them further.
  • Soak your fingers in a bowl of water and apple cider vinegar for 3 minutes, twice a week.
  • Use a special file to lightly file your nails to remove the scaly layer and make them finer. It is not recommended to do this too often, as you will thin your nails.
  • Moisten a cleansing disc with olive oil and wipe your nails with it. It will moisturize the nails and strengthen the scaly layer.
Nail exfoliating solutions with strengthening effect

Exfoliated nail solutions

Now that you have found out the causes of the problem, we want to present you some solutions for exfoliated nails. If you have thin nails that break very easily, you need a good hardener to make them stronger and healthier. You can also find such products in stores, but those made at home are just as effective. In addition, they are natural and cheap.

  • Nail firming cream: use 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of honey, a pinch of salt and 1 egg yolk. Mix all the ingredients and apply the product on the nails. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Repeat the treatment three times a week.
Solutions for exfoliated nails in women
  • Extra virgin olive oil: Soak your nails in a bowl of oil for a few minutes before bed. Or apply a little oil on a cleansing disc and massage your nails every night. If you mix olive oil with almond oil, you will have even stronger nails (two tablespoons of each). Apply the mixture on the nails and cuticles and leave it on for 10 minutes. This is one of the best solutions for exfoliated nails.
  • “Recharged” hardener: If you have already bought a hardener from the store or pharmacy, add a clove of crushed garlic, 5 drops of lemon juice and 5 drops of white iodine to the container. Mix well and let the product stand for 2 days. Apply it on the nails for the next two weeks.
  • Onion:  cut an onion in half and put your nails inside it for five minutes. Let them dry in the fresh air. You will notice that you have found one of the most effective solutions for exfoliated nails.

Photo source: Vincent Lock, Peter Stevens, Julian Partridge, viviandnguyen, sjephoto and soaringbird.

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