Discover The Causes Of Limb Tingling

Discover the causes of tingling in the limbs

Tingling in the hands and feet is definitely a very unpleasant sensation. When our arms, hands or feet numb us, we often even panic until this sensation passes and returns to normal. In this article, we present the causes of tingling in the limbs, but also some natural remedies to combat them. Read on and you will find out how you can avoid this problem!

What are the causes of tingling in the limbs?

Numbness and tingling can affect any part of the body, but most people find that their arms, legs, hands and fingers are the most vulnerable regions. Here are some of the causes of limb tingling:

  • Maintaining the same position for a long time (it doesn’t matter if you are standing or sitting).
  • Injury to a nerve (if you injure a nerve in your throat, you will feel tingling in your hands and arms, and if you injure a nerve in your lumbar region, these sensations will affect your legs).
Causes of tingling in the limbs found by a doctor


  • A pressure exerted on the spinal or peripheral nerves;
  • Shingles infections;
  • Disruption of blood flow due to inflammation of the blood vessels, atherosclerosis or a blood clot;
  • An imbalance in the level of potassium, calcium or sodium;
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency;
  • Certain medications;
  • Nerve damage caused by excessive alcohol consumption, smoking or lead exposure;
  • Radiotherapy;
  • Insect bites, tick infestation or animal bites;
  • A crustacean allergy;
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome (at the wrists);
  • Diabetes;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Strokes or other ischemic attacks.

11 natural remedies to treat tingling in the hands and feet

Now that you know the causes of tingling in the limbs, find out what remedies you can use to combat this annoying symptom.

Use water to unwind your hands and feet!

Water is one of the best natural remedies to relax your feet and hands. Soak the affected area in a bowl of cold water for about 10 minutes (or until the tingling disappears).

Move it!

Many people simply move their fingers, toes or any other numb part of their body until they get rid of tingling. A good option is to move around the room (you may have to sit still for a few minutes if you experience spasms in your legs). Why don’t you try too?

Walking prevents the causes of tingling in the limbs


Sit on your toes!

This remedy is very useful if your legs are numb. Pretend you’re a dancer and get up on your toes, and then get her back to a normal position. Repeat this exercise ten times to stimulate your blood circulation to the lower extremities.

If your legs become numb very often, then we advise you to practice this exercise every night before bed. This way, you will avoid waking up the next day with tingling in your feet.

Eat more iron-rich foods!

One of the causes of tingling in the limbs is iron deficiency. If you are in this situation, include more lentils and beets in your daily diet. You will notice that tingling will bother you less and less.

Other foods we recommend if you suffer from iron deficiency are eggs, milk, nuts, peas, beans and green vegetables such as spinach and mangold.

Apply a hot pepper compress!

This remedy will immediately drive away your tingling. You will need twelve hot peppers, which you will have to boil and wrap in a cloth. Apply this compress on the affected region and let the heat relieve your pain and discomfort.

If you have tingling in your hands or feet very often, make sure you always have a few hot peppers on hand so you can prepare this remedy.

Avoid certain foods and drinks!

We advise you not to eat too fatty foods during dinner. Also, avoid drinking coffee or alcohol after this meal.

Adopt a healthier lifestyle!

Quit smoking, start swimming, practice yoga to reduce your stress level, move and wear loose clothing that facilitates blood circulation.

Foods that fight the causes of tingling in the limbs


Take advantage of the benefits of massage or vary your posture!

When the tingling starts to bother you, try massaging your affected area. Before bed, massage the areas prone to numbness to prevent this problem in the morning.

Another trick that could help you is not to maintain the same position for too long. For example, if you sat down a lot, then stand up and vice versa. In addition, if your legs or arms tend to numb while you sleep, try lifting the most affected areas with pillows.

Wear appropriate footwear!

Ideally, wear only cotton or wool socks, which absorb moisture and thus prevent tingling. Change your socks three times a day (ie once every eight hours).

The shoes you wear should be comfortable, made of leather or fabric, with not very high heels and quality soles. Make sure that the shoes you are wearing  provide adequate support for your feet and, if necessary, insert an extra insole inside it.

Do some very simple exercises!

When you get home from work, especially if your legs are numb or you feel tingling, take off your shoes, take off your socks and sit with your back to the wall. Press the wall with your palms and bend your knees slightly.

If you are at work and feel tingling in your hands, squeeze a rubber ball as hard as you can with each hand. If you feel tingling in your legs, you can perform a similar exercise by simply stepping on the rubber ball.

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