Drinks For Balancing Body PH

We recommend that you improve your diet and consume these alkaline water-based drinks, which detoxify the body and regulate the pH level.
Drinks to balance body pH

As you already know, balancing your body’s pH is one of the best ways to keep your body healthy. Any small change in the acid-base level in the blood can cause a change in the body. Doctors warn us that if the pH level drops below 7.35, for example, then the acid-base balance will incline to excessive acidity. 

This can cause a hyper-sensitivity of the nervous system, increasing the risk of many diseases and causing severe fatigue that sets in unexpectedly.

That is why we recommend that you improve your diet and consume these alkaline water-based drinks, which detoxify the body and regulate the pH level.

1. Fresh mint water to balance body pH

It is a delicious and refreshing drink. The combination of water and mint is extremely healthy and helps you to drink those two liters of fluids recommended daily.

However, it is advisable to avoid drinking a large amount of water at once. It is much better to drink water in small sips throughout the day. The stomach is not overfilled, which facilitates digestion.

Here are the benefits of peppermint water for the body:

  • Mint stimulates the digestive process.
  • Regular consumption of mint water  improves the absorption of nutrients from food.
  • It helps to balance the pH level in a simple and natural way.
  • Peppermint water relieves bloating and flatulence.

2. Water with honey

Honey water to balance the body's pH

If you drink a cup of water in which you dissolved a tablespoon of honey (25 g), you will enjoy its benefits all day. In addition, you will notice a positive difference in the way you feel after only a few weeks.

  • The mixture of water with honey satisfies your craving for sweets, being an excellent option when you want to lose weight.
  • Helps relieve pain caused by arthritis. As you already know, honey is an extraordinary natural antibiotic that eliminates toxins and strengthens the immune system. 
  • Reduces inflammation.
  • Honey water gives you energy and balances your body’s pH level.

3. Warm water with lemon

A glass of warm water in which you squeezed the juice of half a lemon and in which you did not add sugar or another ingredient – do you know how beneficial it is to consume this drink every day on an empty stomach?

  • It is excellent for balancing body pH.
  • Improves digestion and facilitates the absorption of nutrients.
  • Stimulates the elimination of excess water from the body.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Fights bad breath.
  • Provides energy and vitamins.

4. Water with apple cider vinegar

Although it is true that not everyone likes the taste, it is possible to change your mind when you feel the benefits of mixing water with apple cider vinegar.

  • Due to its content of essential amino acids, water with apple cider vinegar improves digestion.
  • This remedy can be extremely useful when you have reached the age when the gastric acids produced by the body no longer perform their functions properly, which makes the digestive process difficult.
  • In addition, water with apple cider vinegar is good for balancing your body’s pH and improves your overall health.

5. Water with baking soda

Baking soda is ideal for balancing body pH

You can help your body a lot if you drink a glass of water (200 ml) mixed with 2 g of baking soda and a little lemon juice three times a week.

  • This is one of the best solutions for balancing the body’s pH.
  • Although there are no studies to support this theory, some experts say that water with baking soda can slow the development of certain tumors. Baking soda offers many benefits and you do no harm if you consume it regularly.
  • Improves kidney function as it filters the blood.
  •  Improves digestion.

6. Cinnamon water

Drink a glass of water with three grams of ground cinnamon. This is a great solution to lower your blood sugar. 

You can drink a glass of cinnamon tea sweetened with a little honey in the morning on an empty stomach. It is delicious! Another option is to put a cinnamon stick in a bottle of water.

7. Water with cloves

Consume cloves to balance body pH

Cloves can be found in any health food store or supermarket. In addition to being a very popular spice in the kitchen, cloves are also extremely beneficial for health.

  • Regulates blood sugar
  • Relieves pain
  • Fights bacteria
  • It is an aphrodisiac
  • Slightly stimulating
  • Fights spasms and cramps

To take advantage of all these benefits, add five cloves in a bottle of water. 

As you can see, there are several ways to improve the taste and properties of water and balance the pH level in the body.

So… Which option do you choose? All? Why not! Opt for the mixture that best suits your body’s needs and tastes. Start today!

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