Excessive Appetite – Causes And Remedies

Accepting that there is a problem is the first step to overeating your appetite.
Excessive appetite - causes and remedies

In this article we will talk about a somewhat delicate topic: excessive appetite. Sometimes we go through certain periods in which we eat more than necessary. What is the cause?

Due to anxiety we feel an uncontrollable and constant need to eat, we run to the fridge in the middle of the night or we start attending “fast food” restaurants every day.

Why is this happening? What causes excessive appetite? Can food give us the happiness we don’t find in everyday life? In the following we present all the relevant information related to this topic, so that you can overcome your excessive appetite.

The link between excessive appetite and anxiety

The link between excessive appetite and anxiety

“When I’m overwhelmed with worries, I tend to eat a little more.” Surely you have heard various people say something similar or maybe you even apologized yourself.

This habit can easily become a vicious cycle: we are affected by anxiety and overeat to feel better, but we gain weight, which will make us feel even worse.

Excessive appetite is a widespread phenomenon nowadays. Maybe you also woke up sometimes asking yourself the following questions: “Am I really hungry? Do I eat so much to feed myself or to feel better, to fill a void I can’t explain? ”

The mere fact that we are willing to ask ourselves these questions is a positive thing. Accepting that there is a problem is the first step to overeating your appetite. Many people are not able to recognize the truth and continue to overeat unscathed.

Factors that cause excessive appetite

  • Excessive appetite almost always has an emotional component. Eating can be a quick way to get satisfaction. Whether it’s sweet, salty or high-fat foods, many of us are accustomed to serving snacks at times to temporarily improve our mood. Sweets stimulate the production of endorphins, hormones that provide a state of well-being and can mask emotional problems.
  • Often relationship problems can cause us to overeat and gain weight. We may have a dissatisfaction that we would like to share with our partner, but for various reasons we fail to be honest with him. Instead of taking courage and solving the problem, we seek refuge in food.
  • It is not out of the question to be dissatisfied with ourselves. Maybe we look in the mirror and we don’t like what we see. These feelings sometimes cause anxiety. Without realizing it, we start overeating to feel better, avoid thinking about our problems, and fill up with some of the time we have when we can’t sleep at night.
  • There are certain days when we return home overwhelmed by stress and worries. In these moments it is possible to feel an uncontrolled need to eat, and the slice of pie, the sandwich or the bag of chips we stuff ourselves with only stimulates this sensation. Anxiety begins to invade our lives without us realizing it, and overeating becomes an easy way to relax and feel satisfied.

How can you control your excessive appetite?

Exercises that prevent excessive appetite

1. The first step is to find out the cause of your anxiety or appetite. Do you have problems at work? Did you argue with your partner or family? Are you dissatisfied with yourself?

It’s time to take your heart in your teeth and do whatever it takes to be happy again and increase your self-esteem. It is worth the effort.

2. Listen to your body. Are you really hungry? Ask yourself this question every time you feel like a snack between meals. Most likely, your body does not ask you to feed it, but to solve your problems, get rid of worries and stop eating sweets and “junk food”. The feeling of hunger you feel is an illusion.

3. Breathe. Every time you feel the emptiness caused by hunger, do some relaxation exercises. Inhale lightly, put your hand on your stomach and then exhale. Do this exercise five times in a row and try to relax.

4. Eat foods that satisfy your appetite. There are certain foods that are satiating and have the ability to relieve anxiety, being very healthy. To overcome your excessive appetite, try to include the following foods in your daily diet:

  • Oat
  • apples
  • Asparagus
  • Turkey breast
  • Greek yogurt without sugar
  • Spinach
  • Dandelion infusion
  • Passion flower infusion

5. Go for a walk. Few practices are more therapeutic than outdoor walks. They can help you look at things from a different perspective, relieve the anxiety you feel, stimulate your heart and relax your mind. After the walk, things will not look so bleak. It’s worth the effort!

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