Fighting Muscle Pain Without Drugs

Stretches and massages help prevent and combat muscle pain. Try to stretch for at least 10 minutes a day to avoid these discomforts. 
Fighting muscle pain without medication

Fighting muscle pain is a topic of interest to many people. Sedentary lifestyle, the fact that we spend 8 hours a day in front of the computer and lack of sleep are the basis of many muscle problems that prevent us from carrying out our daily activities.

In this article, we present some ways to combat muscle pain without resorting to drug treatments. 

Tips for combating muscle pain

Maybe you do a lot of exercise or you don’t move at all. Either way, you can implement the following recommendations to eliminate unbearable muscle pain:

Ice helps fight muscle pain

1. Apply ice

Ice reduces inflammation caused by muscle injuries. For this remedy to take effect, you must apply it immediately (when the pain occurs). It doesn’t help if you put ice on after two days.

  • To avoid skin irritation, wrap the ice cubes in a cloth or plastic bag and hold the compress on the affected area for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Another option would be to take a cold bath.

2. Perform stretches

Stretches to combat muscle pain

You can practice these exercises anywhere: at the office, at the gym or at home. A set of 10-minute stretches helps relieve the pain that occurs after spending a lot of time in the same position or doing intense exercise.

It is good to remember that stretching is not very helpful if the muscle has suffered an injury or has already been forced too much.

Every morning, after waking up, practice stretching for the legs and arms. In this way, you relieve pain and prevent major injuries. In addition, this is a great way to start your day.

3. Take a shower

If the application of ice packs does not work because the area is not inflamed, use the opposite technique.

  • Take a shower with water as hot as you can stand to relax your muscles. 
  • An excellent option is also a bath with Epsom salts or foam.
  • As for the steam baths, they help to relax, reduce tension and fight muscle pain. You can take a steam bath at home, in the sauna or in a spa resort (where you can also get a massage).

4. Walk

Active healing is very effective. In this way, you can relieve muscle pain without being sedentary. If you are experiencing these inconveniences lately, try to go further.

  • You don’t have to travel tens of kilometers. You can start by parking your car away from where you work to end the walk.
  • As you walk, rotate your shoulders, move your arms, and turn your head from side to side to relieve the discomfort.

5. Massage

Massages help fight muscle pain

Even if it is not recommended to do a massage yourself (not knowing how to do it, you can aggravate the situation), we know that sometimes you can not call a specialist.

If you have to fend for yourself, apply light pressure in circular motions to relax your muscles. However, if the pain is frequent and recurrent, it is advisable to consult a professional. He will use effective techniques and creams, oils and gels that relax the muscles.

6. Rest

Stress, routine and daily obligations are among the main causes of muscle pain. Therefore, it is very important to sleep well at night. Even a nap during the day is beneficial.

Try to go to bed at the same time every night and sleep at least 8 hours. Do not forget that the muscles recover and heal during the night.

7. Yoga

This ancient technique helps both to combat muscle pain and to prevent it. Practiced regularly, yoga improves flexibility, prevents cramps and reduces stress. This is exactly what your body needs.

If you can’t go to a yoga center, you can adopt a program at home, which you can implement several times a week. You can even find various lessons on YouTube!

8. Mini massage

Depending on the area that hurts, you can enjoy the benefits of a natural rub. All you have to do is massage your muscles with a cloth or towel soaked in hot water.

To increase the effectiveness of this treatment, we recommend adding an ingredient with anti-inflammatory properties, such as:

  • rosemary
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Ground black pepper

9. Eat healthy

A balanced diet helps to combat muscle pain

Often certain nutritional deficiencies can cause spasms, cramps or muscle aches.

  • Try to adopt a balanced diet that includes all food groups:  protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats and simple carbohydrates.
  • Add seasonal fruits and vegetables to the menu. It also includes red meat, legumes, nuts, seeds and dried fruit.

10. Drink water

When muscles are not well hydrated, they become vulnerable and cannot heal. If this insufficient fluid intake is accompanied by sedentary lifestyle or physical overload, it is not surprising that your muscles ache.

To avoid problems, try to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. On very hot days or on days when you are extremely active, it is advisable to increase this amount.

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